... "F*L*U" ... I'm not sure I can keep 3 steps ahead of Skynet. But I'm gonna grab my phaser and give it a good college try. 😎
1,009 likesiradiatdsquirel I've received like 3 warnings from the gram today 😂 they're pushing hard right now 3 likes
  -  laruetactical @iradiatdsquirel ... I've never gotten a warning, unless it's hidden like on AR15.com, where one day I found warnings from years back 🤪 5 likes
vine_matt Some of made sure to copy and spread the good word. 1 like
  -  laruetactical @vine_matt ... Good. Skynet frowns on flying under bridges👀 2 likes
  -  vine_matt @laruetactical screw em we all know they don't want a fight. also, why are troops still in DC 1 like
  -  laruetactical @vine_matt ... Cause taxes are going up🤷 10 likes
tony_rust_3445 Yeah.. it disappeared. Figured you were " on camera.." 1 like
  -  laruetactical @tony_rust_3445 ... Because their Co*v*id warnings didn't pop up in some of my threads, I'm assuming Skynet can't read what's in a photo. But they do see/read posted remarks. 🧐 2 likes
  -  tony_rust_3445 @laruetactical .. they got that BS now that reads and decipher texts.. I know.. I got jammed a few times. Lol.
  -  charliestrickland93 @laruetactical my bad, I think I contributed by telling someone how to find a video online
cj_dags4 So I was at frt hood when Hassan killed 13 people including a unborn baby, and the media and government went around saying it was workplace violence, even though the FBI, dod and 3 corps at Hood knew he was sending money and talking to terrorists overseas, now that some people rioted at the capitol, they want to purge the military, increase domestic surveillance and call everyone who isn't a democrat a terrorist. 3 likes
  -  j_galt_1337 @dali_lamayourmomma makes you wonder who's side those agencies are on. 1 like
  -  cj_dags4 @j_galt_1337 not the American citizens 2 likes
  -  j_galt_1337 @dali_lamayourmomma nope 2 likes
  -  laruetactical @dali_lamayourmomma ... And then you put the cheese out in a thread about not putting the cheese out. Kill me now. 5 likes
jumpready054 💯
warrior_of_the_weekend Skynet is..self aware...
salerno1263 Aim low their ridding Shetlands 🤣😂🤣
clayton_adams 😂🤣😅🤣👊🏼👍🏼
liberty_ree69 When do you anticipate the picatinny risers being back in stock? I ordered one and then got a "backordered" order update the very next day.
hattorihanzo8888 Have you guys been crazy backed up with orders? 2 likes
  -  laruetactical @hattorihanzo8888 ... Well, backed-up a little more than we're comfortable with. 2 likes
  -  hattorihanzo8888 @laruetactical ok cool, I'll have to call you guys. I ordered a mount a good while back and figured you guys were probably pretty smashed.
nathanjohnson2307 Skynet has definitely gone live...
specfabaz Mike, you're my favorite!
hercg23 🤣🤣🤣