... Ha ! They work 😎 ML
735 likestim_vowels Would mess up the barrels harmonics. Walk!
  -  laruetactical @tim_vowels ... Sherlock ?! Is that you ?!?! 5 likes
  -  ericlewis366 @tim_vowels their for displaying uppers... common sense definitely isn't common any longer 1 like
  -  lackscody @tim_vowels I do believe these are to keep the upper from falling on a table like for display not for shooting but I could be wrong
jtaylor Those look like they fit snug as a glove, if they were black you'd think they were built into the upper 3 likes
  -  laruetactical @jtaylor ... They slide in with no clearance 😎 2 likes
  -  phoenixtacticalva @laruetactical LOL That's what she said 😂 4 likes
seabasshb What are those? 2 likes
  -  pushisgrumpy @seabasshb things to keep uppers from tipping to the side when on the production floor? 3 likes
  -  markkphillips @seabasshb Upper display blocks 3 likes
johnsmith6073 How accurate are those pencil barrels? 3 likes
  -  laruetactical @johnsmith6073 ... Welp, we did our level best to make them impressively accurate. 5 likes
stillten8 I don't know what it is but still need one. 3 likes
800mzero How do you get them off after setting the A2? 2 likes
  -  laruetactical @800mzero ... You don't get them off after setting the A2. These are not-for-sale "Display Uppers" 😎 3 likes
kevdidwhatnow Can I get my 20" obr barrel chambered without xtraxn? 1 like
dmott711 What if you make it 2 pcs so you don't need to slide it over the end of the barrel?
jssmith70 Etch-a-sketch
kilo__372 Clever 1 like
__anthony_rotondo__ How long did it take to print one? @laruetactical
  -  laruetactical @__anthony_rotondo__ ... 12 hours for 6 of 'em = 2 hours apiece 2 likes
  -  tyler_nylund @laruetactical get a Bambu labs x1 carbon and cut your time in half. You can also reduce infill percentage if these are just for displaying uppers