... Buda is essentially in far south Austin. And I heard there was a Round Rock, Texas zip code that only had one house on the market a couple weeks ago ... R.R. is far north Austin. My question is, is the Austin real estate situation unusually hot 🔥 or is it that way where you are too ? ML
967 likesred515151 Shit wanting to move around that area. Everything is expensive
craigjones_56 Market is on fire in GA.
turtle_d115 California is invading
volkerprecision @laruetactical Have you looked at industrial properties in north Austin (Leander/Cedar Park) area lately? It's just as bad. Wife just sold a house in Cedar park listed at $450k and sold for $609k cash!!! It's nuts out here man!
teneyck2019 It's basically the same way here in Tennessee. Houses are getting full price offers if not more with contingencies before the listing hits!
defensive_solutions_intl New Jersey is insane also. People are evacuating New York.
russell_g4130 Anything $250k or under is selling within 24hr. I'm near Wichita.
cj_kelly Californication
will_dissent "Free Country" not with standing ... you broke it , you fix it people from California need to stay where they are & fix that shit show!!! 5 likes
  -  laruetactical @will_dissent ... Sounds like they aren't leaving because it's broke, they are leaving because new work conditions make it now doable. 3 likes
sid.carlton No doubt they need to change or go back to California.
rae_perniciaro I'm in West Buda. Homes are flying off the market. I've been approached by multiple realtors in the last year asking me if I was interested in selling. It's nuts.
vee70arr Austin is getting infested with liberal software nerds. Good luck Sir.
funky_cold_m3dina Yep it's a seller's market here in the metropolitan area.
tonymatthiesen The housing market in general in insane, houses I was looking at in southwest ohio 3-4 years are literally double right now.
az4runr In Arizona my wife and I cannot buy a house even if we offer more than asking with paying the closing costs because these fucking California asshats are relocating here and buying with cash and $15,000-$20,000 more than asking. It's a mess and it's fucking annoying.
atwatermtk Its similar in southern Rhode Island. Lots of people from Connecticut and New York are realizing they can get much nicer and cheaper property closer to the ocean then in their own shit states. Last year an average house in my area was 270-300k now its more like 400-500k
laruetactical ... To all y'all, thanks for all your very enlightening posts. 🧐 1 like
phil.wiesner The beginning of Texas turning blue
tn_patriot Nashville and area is just as nuts. Folks fleeing CA. Thanks Amazon, Dell, and Nissan.
bubbas4570 This is how it is up in North Dakota also. The prices aren't as high as Texas, but houses are selling first day on the market, for full asking prices....with (sometimes 2 months) of backlog on inspections and such for them.
wilcoxcode3 I live in Little Elm essentially far north Dallas. Frisco is next door to us. They had the same thing. One house between $600k and $900k for sale. Folks are getting $40-50k more than there asking price. My Town issued 200 single family building permits last month. That's never happened. Frisco and Austin are by far the hottest areas in Texas.
andrew__gunfightergrips My brother lives in buda.
reagan.911.991.c2 Unfortunately yes it's everywhere. People legit learned nothing from 2008. Bubble go pop. Always does.
  -  laruetactical @reagan.911.991.c2 ... Do you mean 1984 ?
theflyinghouse This makes life exciting for those of us who are approaching the point of finally being able to buy a home. Buddies are offering +5% here in Denver suburbs with horrendous HOAs, and they get overtaken by sight-unseen cash offers for +10-15%. Makes me miss the shit out of rural Missouri.
backwardobserver My neighbor put her house on the market for 170k I offered her 160k before she listed it it sold in less than 12 hrs for 180k with no other offers
brad_jackie55555 It's the California exodus. They are all invading Texas. Look what they did to Arizona, they turned it blue. Craziness. Keep Texas Texas, for Gods sake.
txstvanwilder I remember driving around Buda and seeing signs that said 10 acres for $10k. That was just before Cabelas was opening, once those doors opened the whole area blew up
chefhef Don't trust the californians!! They ruined colorado, Arizona and now texas! Do t let those ass hats in... Vet them for political affiliation
jim_whistler My daughter and her husband sold their house in South Austin for $60 K over asking so I would
mckeonekert Summit Co Colorado had an all time record high in gross sales and in price per property.
mlj_0531 Triangle/Triad of NC is not quite that hot but right on its heels. You guys get California morons, we get yankee morons
jmhtx85 We are full here in Buda haha bye
maxteague NW AR isn't far off from that. Lots of out of state folk moving in. We are 2 to 1 new contracts to listings and have been for sometime now.
_davidmatthew_ I'm on the far west side of Pflugerville, our subdivision won't quit expanding and there's not an empty house in it.
greasemonkey529 Same in northern va
moore_taco_blanco That way here too in the Pacific Northwest
big_shooter01 It's hot everywhere. Market is getting hyper inflated.
kcgunner Thank the California's 430 is a drop in the bucket for a house to them
dsarch56 Thank the California governor for doing such a Shitty job!!!
_chenan Expect your rent to go up if you don't own the californians that left aren't really Californian..the real Californian's can't afford to move
matthewmccrane Verified Happening all over Texas. The mass migration!
coltremington That's all day, every day in and around DFW. Inventory at all time lows, coupled with super low interest rates and thousands and thousands of out of town at out of state buyers. Many, if not most of these out-of-state buyers are paying with cash, especially from the West coast. The people that already live here and are financing simply can't compete.
ifbirdscouldntfly West of Phoenix has been getting especially stupid lately
vaders_child I'm in komifornia that's a deal if it's bigger than an outhouse
aztrapper The Austin real estate market has been booming for a hot minute
wa_atf @laruetactical im a Realtor in Washington State and inventory is super low right now, around a week in some areas. Multiple offers, waived inspections, etc. Recently listed a home for 479k, sold/closed 52,501 over asking!
chumbief Round Rock and even Hutto has exploded in growth in the past couple years.
teamgoldeneagle It sucks. I'm a little bit south in more rural area, but hate driving anywhere for anything anymore.
m9operator I'm in Montana and it's pretty much the same here. The norm is full-price offers within 48hrs, without even a single person viewing the house.
jesslarude My friends here just paid 800k for a house on the east Oakland gun range that was listed for 600k. It's not a real gun range, people just treat it like one and she hears gunshots from her home daily.
nomad03xx It's all of central TX all the way down to San Antonio
  -  transferstationtx Getting worse and worse 1 like
hisurfcam Maui is hot right now!!! Tons of California, Washington, Oregon plates. @laruetactical
kidsandcamo 3rd gen Austinite married to a 2nd gen. Housing is crazy right now. Almost as crazy as our property taxes. Realtor friend said recently there around 1k houses on the market in the entire area....
darren_stubbssss Austin is set to be the next big tech hub. A lot of Silicon Valley companies from CA are moving over to Texas for less tax and more space, however with that comes their liberal political views that can change the color of Texas from red to blue in the next presidential election. Should be interesting in 4 years 1 like
  -  darren_stubbssss @darren_stubbssss also it's sellers market in the whole Austin area hours are going above asking by 20-50k
alexschooler8 That's the housing market right now, because rates are just above 2%.
joe.numbers @laruetactical that area is blowing up. We are building veterinary hospitals all over that area like crazy as all the people from big cities move out there. We've done a lot of market and demographic research with the guys building the hospitals and it doesn't seem like it will slow down at all. Arizona is seeing similar activity but not quite the rate of the Austin area from what I can see anyway.
fenrircustomsaz Austin is unusually hot. But it is a sellers market to be sure. It was the same way just before the last real estate bubble popped.
benzobadger47 Montana has seen an exponential boom
mike_kattrainer_kojima We ruin everything. Sorry!
keyspeed09 Cycle of Nations: Rise of governments: Low taxes and very little regulation leads to people coming together to create economic booms. People move to cities from small towns to participate in the economic booms and better themselves. (Urbanization Phase) The Decline: Governments become greedy with taxes and over regulations and begin to see people as economic slaves. Rule of law begins to break down. The Fall: It is no longer in the peoples interest to stay in the cities and the population shifts away, this is the Suburbanization Phase. This suburbanization has historically always led to the death of the empire, nation or city-state. It is the same pattern regardless of the century or culture.
pickcha_t8kr Colorado is almost un-liveable IMO. I live along the front range (Ft. Collins -> Denver)... and the housing market has been a nuclear bomb for the past 3 years... it's hard to find anything to buy that's not already got a million offers on it - there's WAY too many people here now... moved here 20 years ago. So, so sad. "The outdoors" are on the brink of needing to reserve a spot to even go enjoy them! 🤬
well_regulated I just sold my house for 10,000 over asking they agreed to pay anything the inspector found and paid closing costs. Not a good time to buy though
ssnyt Every CA tax payer is migrating to TX.
  -  ssnyt They're moving to Idaho, Arizona, Texas and North Carolina.
jealouscowbell Homes are going very fast in Michigan and getting higher than asking price if they are well kept. Material costs are so high, its hard to build as well.
beers.bbq.pete @laruetactical, even in Lubbock, any house that is listed at under $200k is on the market for maybe a day, if even that long.
mandradetx Yep thats Dripping Springs for the last five years. When we were house shopping out here there were people from California blind bidding on the same houses we were trying to buy. We saw several go within hours of being on the market.
vincent_cline We put an offer on a starter home in Georgetown 5k over asking that needed some work, it sold for 50k over. A relative moving to Dallas area from Round Rock listed their home they purchased for $260k a few years back for $309k and it sold for $390k. We are trying to be close to most our family in Georgetown but are ending up in Killeen because the market is too nuts near Austin.
bobby_rmg1 I live in DFW and was told yesterday by a real estate professional that inventory is low because a lot of people aren't putting their houses on the market because of uncertainty related to COVID. Demand is exceeding that low inventory and making it a sellers market for those who are listing ...
eazedoesit After 5 years we made $110k in Washington.
itsturbooo Like this in Arizona as well
hackhaston California people moving to TEXAS who will vote as before which made them run to Texas. Buckle up the ride is going to get bumpy guys.
madunn83 We are selling our house near Atlanta and moving up to NE Georgia. Selling our house will be easy, but finding one to buy is extremely difficult! u s
honkin_and_tonkin Another real estate bubble waiting to pop?
timmy_tomahawk But how did it appraise?
300blackout_ Definitely Austin area.
cliff.mcfadden.gt500 I grew up spending countless hours and days working on a hog farm and trading that work to hunt and fish the land that was owned by my grandfather's best friend that he met serving in WW2 in the Marble Falls TX area. It's personally heart breaking to watch what that area is evolving into. 1 like
greentiptraininggroup Seems about right these days...
txsvt1 It's crazy down here in Waco too. It's a sellers market and buyers are cashing in on historic low interest rates....for now 😐
kralynthomas Wanna hear the most annoying sound ever? "Hey we just moved here from California". 😤😬
rt_okc Wonder if this is a cash offer. A lot of lending companies require certain things to be repaired before loan can be underwriting
tap_rack_bang I like round rock. But Austin is leaning way to left these days.
specfabaz AZ same. Everyone is moving here and Texas. Nothing available, if listed, gets 10 above asking price offers immediately. Many cash.
texasplinking It's a central Tx thing. With big companies moving their HQ here, it's getting crazy. #dontcaliforniamytexas 2 likes
pierced_armor Don't California our Texas!
snoopdoubledd Texas will be the next Georgia
erikpierre Land is going quick and pricey around canyon lake
sandy_saint_nick_ Houses near MOntgomery AL (Prattville) are selling in a matter of hours/days for more than asking price. 1 like
bara.yougonlearntoday Been going on in Hawaii for DECADES. Lucky if you find a 2 bedroom apt for $400k 🤣
modest_omega Yup, Austin houses going for $50k - $150k over asking price. In the old '45 we're seeing homes cross the $500k mark. As a home owner in this zip code, that's cool, but trust me...these 1970's track homes ain't worth it lol
helodriver1 I live between Bellville and Brenham. I've watched land here go from around 10-12k and acre to 16-22k in the last 3 years and everything that comes up for sale is gone really fast. 1 like
getmemarlowe I saw a whole community pop up over night in Austin. Prime real estate too, not sure how they managed. Right on Barton Creek! Must be waiting to build though, all I see are tents and trash at the moment. 🙃
broke_medic The market here in WI is crazy. Sold our house for $50k over what I owed and took us 4 offers (including one $35k over asking) to find our new house. It worked out though, since we got a beautiful house on 40 wooded acres near the MI border.
kdoepowers It's hot here in Phoenix as well
djrppvt Everywhere it seems
maxximus2012 College Station is the same. Housing prices here have blown up with people fleeing Houston.
aldenmartindale Well some of us Californians want to flee but to my understanding Austin is a fairly liberal part of Texas. If that's the case I wouldn't go there as a conservative Californian if I'm ever given the luxury of leaving; I want to get as far away from these leftist knuckle draggers as I can 🤔 1 like
  -  ryanbpoole11 @aldenmartindale come to Lubbock, TX! Lol as conservative as Texas gets
z33benny I work in New home construction in the Houston area for one of the biggest builders in the country. We have a huge influx of California buyers moving here and we are twice as busy as we were pre-covid 😩 1 like
clayo_prairieghost Markets are crazy everywhere. 🔥
mitchellranches I live outside of marfa. A local hunting outfitter has has his house on the market for years at an over valued price (about 75-100k over) and it was bought sight unseen right after the election
mmark_the_mk18 Yea fucking Californians should have flocked to anywhere but Texas then again I am a Californian who is considering Texas because I want a transferable machine gun honestly since bullshit law says I can't buy one at a store
a_aurioles34 DFW is somewhat the same, bigger more expensive houses still have some days on the market, need inspections etc (were talking your 250+ market). But the 180-200k market is pretty sight unseen a million offers inspection be dammed I'll pay you cash.
szxbt I live in NY and wanna move to Texas. At least I vote red tho lol 2 likes
louslamename It's all the Californians moving out of their shitty state into our amazing states. Florida is having the same situation
coreypeterson59 Utah housing market as a whole is insane we saw an 11% increase in housing prices in 2020 and sit 3rd for cost increase behind Idaho and someone else. We are watching 2000sq ft houses on .12 acre lots sell for 350k it is insane.
pnhurst He left money in the table
_ramon_bjj Here in florida i sold my house in a day and this was back in 6/2019. It hasn't let up at all since, didn't even have a chance to find another house before mine sold.
nate_laundy I do home inspections in the kc metro area and can confirm the market is very similar here. Lots of as is and 15-20k over asking just to get an offer in.
2011yoda In Salado our house value has gone up significantly in the past year 1 like
gratisarms Me and my lady were going to move to the greater Austin area(Bastrop) but that's the closest we could get to Austin because of how much home values have been driven up in recent years. 1 like
j_perry69 The rich left liberals from CA moving in like locusts. Looks like TX is going to turn blue sooner than later. Im in commie MA, you'll feel my pain soon.
josh.macintyre Mass exodus of people fleeing the Democrat controlled states. Its difficult to rent a uhaul trailer out here in Washington because of everyone using them to bail.
bergs0283 We live in Sanger, TX and have a similar situation. Houses are flying off the market. We bought a new house 3 years ago and sold it for 50k over what we bought it for with no upgrades.
coybalusek And then that owner had to repurchase in the same market as he sold in. 1 like
txduck_75 Central Oregon is the same real estate shit show because of all the Commiefornia refugees
ggwscottie Montana is being overrun by Californians and Washington's. They will destroy here just like they did those places, give it five years... 1 like
evlgreg Only 10,000 over asking? In Colorado that might have been 30,000 over asking. As is has been pretty normal for a while now. Not being allowed to see inside is usually covered with photos and a virtual tour. As a real estate broker in Colorado this doesn't surprise me one bit
oneperfectdose There is a lot of factors. My two close friends are in realty and loans.
It isn't just Californians, nationwide people are leaving cities. With companies no longer require in office work people are realizing they don't need city life anymore. This includes Austin, Dallas, and Houston. This is why you are seeing the radius of major metros exploding.
Next thing is money is practically free right now. A mortgage at 2.75% is absurdly low. That can drastically increase purchase affordability.
Price is a factor for transplants but remember. If someone qualifies for $500k mortgage in California, they may only qualify for a $300-$350 mortgage in Texas. Reason is property tax. In CA that tax is just above $5k for $500k home but in Texas tax on a $300k home is $6k.
Texas has the second largest economy which I think will be number 1 in less than 10 years. 6 likes
  -  djrppvt @oneperfectdose CA property tax is that low? In VT I bet you would bay 20k for a house that expensive atleast 15. I pay $3300 on a $125k house 😭
  -  kimpig1833usmc @oneperfectdose Thanks for making that point. It should also be noted that not every person leaving California is a liberal Democrap. My wife and I love god, guns and out country!!!! We are staunch Republican and are moving to Louisiana. We would pay any amount to get the hell out of commiefornia 3 likes
  -  oneperfectdose @djrppvt if I recall properly CA has the lowest property tax. It's about 1.1-1.2% assessed value. 2 likes
  -  djrppvt @oneperfectdose not the lowest but 35th in the nation, so not bad, VT is 4th 😭 1 like
  -  oneperfectdose @kimpig1833usmc I was born and raised in the Bay Area. Grew up low income with a single mom. I left CA because the Democrat super maj ruined the state. At heart although the area was more left wing I found myself more right leaning growing up in a very religious household. Believe it or not there are a lot of red areas but the problem is the densely packed blue metros overshadow. I was heavily for breaking California into multiple states. The Bay Area shouldn't speak for the Central Valley farmers, it's BS! 4 likes
  -  ssnyt @oneperfectdose property taxes are nothing. My fire insurance is more than my property insurance in CA. Add in other items like cost of living and state income taxes and TX looks even better. No Californian looks at Texas and is worried about property taxes.
  -  oneperfectdose @ssnyt agreed if you have cash. If you don't have cash, a loan officer can only qualify for what you can afford regarding debt to income and property is taken into account.
  -  ssnyt @oneperfectdose that's how it works everywhere, not just Texas.
anzivine4 @laruetactical Eastern PA is the same way. Homes last a day at max on market and if you ask for inspections you are almost certainly losing the house to someone else. We are seeing tons of people moving out from NYC because of the panic Covid caused. Since we are clearly out numbered now I have been teaching as many of my new neighbors about hunting and shooting sports and they are loving it. Hopefully they will take it into consideration when they vote.
ladandadog1619 Up here in Maine, the markets gone crazy. Contractors are busier than they have EVER been due to wealthy folks fleeing NY boston etc. and snatching up country homes all over the state. Lots of them sight unseen.
kodiak_precision Don't let'm californicate Texas !!!!
tedferguson7 Out by Lake Travis, average time on the market in my neighborhood is less than 5 days
djmattsather This is what happens when people destroy California, hate what it has become and leave to congregate in another place to start the destruction again. The only other thing on earth that acts like this is a virus. 4 likes
  -  garettpfaffenbach @djmattsather So if your neighbor to the right moved to TX from CA 4 years ago and helps you when you need a hand, waves every time he sees you, brings you a bag full of elk meat every time he gets back from a successful elk hunt, keeps his lawn mowed, invites you and your family over for bar-b-ques or a beer every time he has one, and brings in your garbage cans just because he is out bring his in. And your neighbor to the left is a pain in the ass but was born in Texas. Are you telling me that you would rather have everyone in your neighborhood be like the neighbor to the left? Judge the person's character, not where they used to live! 1 like
  -  djmattsather @garettpfaffenbach and yet they keep voting for more of the same policies they abandoned..... I'm sure your neighbor is great. You're confusing a single person with an overall trend. Yes, of course there are also good conservative people who are also fleeing the California wasteland. 2 likes
  -  garettpfaffenbach @djmattsather The good people from CA won't vote for a damn thing that will change where they move to. If I want to move some place, it's because it's already the way I want it to be. All I want is some good neighbors, a quiet place to live, and a place to shoot/reload/hunt. If that's in TX/ID/WY than so be it, but don't shit on my lawn just because my license plate used to say CA.
  -  djmattsather @garettpfaffenbach I wish that was the case, but every year TX/ID and places like them get more and more votes going democrat. The same party with the same failed policies from where they fled. I'm not, nor have I ever been, talking about the people who leave and vote to keep those places the way they are. Unfortunately that is becoming a minority. You are talking about your experience, which is awesome. But unfortunately for every one person doing it right when they move to a new place there seems to be two who bring their baggage with them. Unfortunately, that is just a product of human nature. Everyone thinks "this time it will be different", if they didn't socialism would've died a long time ago. 1 like
  -  garettpfaffenbach @djmattsather maybe if you guys banned Starbucks, flatbill hats, and made it a state law that every Texan SHALL HAVE a 1911 and a AR or pay a 10,000 dollar fine per year that would drive all the bad CA people back here.
  -  djmattsather @garettpfaffenbach that's not how freedom works. More government laws and regulations to try to control the actions of the people is exactly the problem. Good people don't look to regulate others just because they have political differences. This is about personal choice and responsibility, which is the opposite of government.
ronintactical_llc Happened here in Georgia, we have clients who moved here from California and keep their Marijuana business in California, yet live in Georgia and we just got flipped blue. Hope ya'll in Texas keep red 9 likes
asanchez1515 I'm in the mortgage business, 15 years, and have never seen it like this. It's a similar situation in most of Ellis county. I'm 30 miles south of Dallas.
thebruce62 My realtor is telling me that he's selling houses for $35-$50,000 over asking price right now in my area... North and west of Baltimore
4rbrandt Same in East TN. White hot seller's market. Zero inventory.
2ndvette We are in Round Rock and homes are getting way more than appraised value, and getting offers accepted. Coworkers have said same about Atlanta and such. Folks are leaving CA and NY. The homes in my community are nice but they are 10 ft between homes, HOA, and sections have certain builders and floor plans.
k_bash88 My mom's house in Palm Springs CA sold in 1 day to some dudes from Seattle for full asking price and all their realtor did was video call them and show them around for a fee minutes.
spectrebravo We're trying to buy in Plano currently and have consistently been beaten out by ridiculous offers. Last home went for 40k over asking.
fatballeryo Buying a house in Austin is the least fun thing to do right now. I keep getting outbid by 100K over asking with waived appraisal. Cali folks escaping the world they created - let's hope many of them changed their views. Not holding my breath considering most are in tech.
gormanoutdoors Yes and soon Austin will be just as crappy as SF - it's well on its way. So sad to see a beautiful city we call home fall.
_dannycontreras My gf was waitlisted for most of the houses in north Austin. Ended up buying in jerrell, her parents in liberty hill. 1 like
wille275 Arizonans say welcome to the party 😂 1 like
  -  manning_motorsports @wille275 I doubt Arizona market is even as hot as Austin right now
  -  wille275 @manning_motorsports you should look it up.
  -  wille275 @manning_motorsports 😂
  -  manning_motorsports @wille275 nah we're the hottest growing area in the country right now. I build for a living. Arizona don't have nothing on what's happening here right now.
  -  wille275 @manning_motorsports I own a roofing company I beg to differ we are statewide right now but would like to see the numbers.
  -  manning_motorsports @wille275 the homes in Arizona aren't getting 100 offers on each home and selling for 100-150k over asking and that's just facts.
dusty_silhavey_atxrealtor There is less than 700 houses for sale in all of the Austin MLS. There was a house in RR that received 97 offers 1 like
  -  manning_motorsports @dusty_silhavey_atxrealtor that's pretty normal offer rate lately
  -  dusty_silhavey_atxrealtor @manning_motorsports 97 is the most that I have seen. We are seeing 20-30 offers on average 1 like
the.necro.maker ML, Buda is and always HAS been an extention of South Austin. This statement comes from a born and raised true blood Austinite.
majorminor90 Central AL is the same way. From Montgomery to Bham is booming! Houses having contracts within a few hours and land being bought sight unseen!
tdowdy843 Friend in SC just sold his house to someone in California. They offered the asking price and also in cash..... $350k
citizen_response Austin is a cesspool of degenerates and rampant homeless 1 like
hoosier_tejas I have two houses. One is in Waco. We bought for 160,000. It's a four bedroom two bath with a garage in a very desirable school district. The next cheapest house was 250,000. Once people top out the Austin area Waco will look like a bargain even if we double our money. I got my two bedroom one bath near downtown Indianapolis for 90,000. The next cheapest house in my neighborhood was 140 for the same square footage. I live near a large city park on the other side of which there are no houses under 250. It's hard for Texans to wrap their head around it, but Tennessee, Kentucky and Indiana our only within a couple hours drive of each other. NashVille and Louisville have been blowing up with people moving from California similar to Central Texas. So it's the same deal, buy where it will look like a bargain once the bum rush is over. If I lived in the Austin area I'd be investing in places like Hutto or even Marble Falls. 🤷
lcaseyl I searched all summer for a house near Fort benning, GA. All we really wanted was a decent size plot with a house that would hold all of us. There were houses in the area that were on the market for less than 8 hours. Also I got out bid twice on house that my offers were above market price.
michael_nedo Everyone leaving California for Austin
pcbrown91 Southeast Texas real estate is the same. Particularly the buna area 1 like
jt_thomasson In my neighborhood in Oklahoma I could basically do the same right now. Which is why I wanted to buy our first house in this tiny little neighborhood. They built a elementary school two years ago right next door and just started a 2nd phase, and a horse ranch bought all the surrounding leftover property. Our home value went up $25/sqft in 6 months
_shookme In MI prices are stupid high and if you're buying, count on putting in an offer higher than asking price.
lphy It's crazy here in Tampa!
recon1212 Now ppl are paying or offering over a $100k (+) of asking cost and still get turned down.
mr.gwilde I too.... like to live dangerously. 🤔hmm
sak_mcl It's all over since the influx started happening. Corpus real estate is now limited inventory and the values have jumped considerably.
austinnikel Makes me wonder where people are coming from? Surely it can't all be from California?
vonwolffe I wonder if it sold to an American. I met a real estate agent about five years ago who told me all of her clients now are wealthy Chinese. They pay above the asking price, sight unseen, then lease the house indefinitely. I get that kind of offer is hard to resist but I wouldn't do that based on principle alone. 1 like
waywardmarine0311 I was just in buda Texas a few days ago lol
foundersphotography_idaho Same in Boise
the_sultan_of_sausage A real estate guy I know told me I was crazy for wanting to sell my house in Round Rock. He said if I wanted to ever come back I wouldn't be able to find a home.
denis85 Very similar in the NY suburbs. People are purchasing houses even without home inspections.
duecegregg California is fleeing to your state in droves!!! 😂 Same here.😭
seanklk 400,000 home in Texas is probably 1.5 Million in California, so the risk to California transplants buying sight unseen is low, coupled with the desperation of getting out of California! Baught my house in 2015 for 171000 in Hillsboro Texas.. appraised 2 years ago for 365,000! Prices have increased substantially
tedgates Same situation in Dallas area 1 like
herr_grothuss There a ton of California people moving here and out bidding natives. The house prices are rising fast.
  -  manning_motorsports @i_dont_exist6six6 not so much the Californians honestly as it is middle east and northern states.
  -  buckp79 @i_dont_exist6six6 same in northern nevada currently
big_richard_1984 Prices are up on homes right now. Even in small towns with bad school districts. I'm live about 45 minutes south of Houston. I think the housing market is going to collapse again but that's just my opinion. 3 likes
jmac330yo I'm in Youngstown, Ohio and our real estate has been 🔥 for like 6 months. Houses are selling above asking and usually under contract within first day. 1 like
ianberinger It's everywhere Mark. PA has seen house values jump about 20% in the last year and a half. 3br/2bath brick ranchers are running about $550k up here right now. 1 like
  -  manning_motorsports @ianberinger we're seeing about a 50% increase the last 10 months
  -  ianberinger @manning_motorsports holy shit. It's insane. I'm trying to buy a new house rn and I'm realllly hoping this is not another 2008
slideworkseng All the lib Californians moving in 10 likes
t_kegs Nashville was the same when we moved here in 2018
synfulll The entire market is hot. We sold 36 homes in one week last month. We're setting records after records in our city for home building. Market is insane 1 like
swordandscield My family has been in New Braunfels since the early 80s. That whole area between Austin and SA has blown up. Thanks, Californians 🙄 45 likes
  -  laruetactical @swordandscield ... I notice a lot of left lane hogs have California tags ... I decided it's because they are used to the left lane being stop and go 😂 51 likes
  -  rixhardg @swordandscield I live in NB as well the house down the street just sold 200K more than what the original owner paid for it 2 years ago. 3 likes
  -  swordandscield @rixhardg That's insane. I was dying to move back there but now not so much. Sad to see it change so much over the last 15-20 years. Plus the Guadalupe is sort of like I10 in Houston during the weekends in summer. Oh well. I still love it though. 1 like
  -  rixhardg @swordandscield I have lived in NB for 20 years and this place has changed so much. I purchased my first house for 180k I don't think that's even possible now. 2 likes
  -  the.necro.maker @swordandscield my parents wanted to move to NB but we absolutely hate tourist season. 2 likes
  -  cajunmanbeast @laruetactical I sit at the coffee shop in the square, Georgetown, on Saturday morning. I often document the Californians that show up. Lots and lots and lots. 1 like
  -  milla_da_fish_killa @laruetactical it seems to be standard practice in Houston to drive slow in the left lane, the extra California and New York people don't help any. 1 like
  -  evlgreg @laruetactical I drove in California in November and figured out that even in California all Californians try to use the left lane. The right lane has a truck in it every half mile or so and the people in the bumpee to bumper left lane pop into the right lane speed up to pass and try to merge back into the left lane before they get to the truck. It's absolutely insane. When you get to a big open stretch of road in Utah or Nevada the highway could be empty, but there will be a Californian sitting in the left lane. And before someone says people drive like that everywhere I drove from Ohio to California in 2020 and I drive out west a few times a year and it's really only like that in California. 90% of the cars in Utah Nevada and Colorado that were cruising in the left lane for no reason had California tags. I'm sure Texas will be like this shortly 1 like
  -  eubanksalan @laruetactical its just as bad in Oregon with the left lane hogs. Except half are California and the other half is Washington. For most of my life this state has been blue because of the trash in Portland, Salem, and Eugene but at 41 yrs old I remember when it was red before California invaded. 1 like
  -  erasmology @laruetactical don't let those Californians left lane hog it down there. One of my favorite things when I've been in Texas is people following the left lane is for passing rule. I'm a native Californian and drives me crazy the jackholes camping in the left lane. 1 like
  -  bruceshibley @laruetactical no it's because they are mindless. I still live amongst them here in CA. They want to get in the left lane and turn their brain off. Or Vice versa. Hordes of ex Californians is as awful as a swarm of anything...
  -  my_old_kentucky_homeboy @laruetactical in WA we have the same problem with Oregon and California drivers. It's a pain in the ass and they refuse to move. 1 like
j.r.wells574359 The real estate market is crazy right now 1 like
dmr_llc People moving from CA causing a boom? 7 likes
  -  manning_motorsports @dmr_llc no
whitejacob Lots of Cali residents flooding into AZ too. Houses in the Phoenix valley area are selling the weekend they're listed and bidding wars are somewhat common now. We just sold our house for 15k more than what was recommended we list it at and 5 more than listing price.
guns_tacos_and_chad Florida is nuts right now too. Most stuff selling same day
averagetactical This is how Colorado has been for about 5 years. Austin's blowing up because of the Cali exodus led by Joe Rogan and Elon Musk.😂 7 likes
  -  manning_motorsports @averagetactical While we are seeing Californians, we're seeing more than double that in Indians, and people from northern states. They outnumber Californians dramatically 1 like
  -  a_sad_paramedic @averagetactical same with montana. 700k average home price in my town 😭 1 like
  -  averagetactical @a_sad_paramedic mannnnnn we looked at boseman... Jesus christ😂😂😂 1 like
  -  a_sad_paramedic @averagetactical had you bought 10 years ago you'd be a millionaire 😂😭 1 like
  -  averagetactical @a_sad_paramedic I thought exactly the same. Colorado was identical. If you would have bought in Boulder 10-15 years ago, less than .25acre and a modest 20-30 year old home for 2-300, You're easily selling it today for 7-800k plus, easily. 1 like
  -  a_sad_paramedic @averagetactical exactly how it is here right now. It sucks to see especially as the vast majority of people moving in are happy to litter and destroy the local trails 1 like
  -  averagetactical @a_sad_paramedic let's not even talk about the waste spreads. 🤦 1 like
gearknowhow NC real estate is on 🔥 with any house coming up getting multiple offers within the first few hours of a listing. Inventory is just so low recently. 2 likes
  -  manning_motorsports @gearknowhow we're seeing 50-100 offers 1 like
bradysprayberry It's where we are too. My wife works in real estate and is swamped
  -  laruetactical @bradysprayberry ... Where are y'all ?
  -  bradysprayberry @laruetactical Oklahoma City. She sold 55 houses last year and this year looks like it's going to be the same or better
  -  charliestrickland93 @laruetactical Atlanta is still wild. Nothing lasts a week and everything going for ask. Not as crazy as your story tho
averagetactical ML- Denver was like this when we were looking out there and around Boulder. Realtor said, you better be ready to make an offer without ever seeing the actual house. 1 like
  -  laruetactical @averagetactical ... That makes my skin crawl 👀 11 likes
  -  averagetactical @laruetactical it's insane, sir. "Oh and be ready for multiple counter offers and requests for higher bid." We're back in Baltimore now, housing market is booming outside of the city for the most part. 3bd2ba for under $300k no problem, maybe even on .5-1 acre. Denver? "Here's a 2bd1ba shack, .18 acres in a questionable part of town, $550k and needs a complete gutting."😂😂😂😂 get the F outta here.😂 3 likes
  -  1jasong @laruetactical @averagetactical nailed it in everything you've said. Anywhere californians are migrating to the housing market is shooting through the roof. Subdivisions outside the big cities in colorado advertise "Starting in the 400's" with balloons and streamers like it's a cleanace sale. 3 likes
  -  46wlf46 @averagetactical yup had a buddy sell his house next to an old uranium mine for 130k more than he paid a year earlier. Sorry it's now a wildlife preserve. 1 like
cncappsjames It's a tight market here in Southern Kommieforniastan. Not that tight, but everyone is offering more than asking price. 2 likes
herr_grothuss It's like that outside Dallas too. 1 like
  -  nimmytickle @i_dont_exist6six6 our hood north east of Dallas has gone up 50-70k since we bought last March (almost 30%)
colbyb83 Yeah it's full of communist. Central Texas will be the downfall of the republic 9 likes
  -  crazycruzer78 @colbyb83 and with everyone thinking, yeah, I'll sell it to them for more than its valued just to screw 'em. It is amazing how shortsighted people are for the almighty dollar. You ain't screwing them, you're screwing yourself and your country. 3 likes
seanc6971 It gets even better once you go west towards Fredericksburg 2 likes
  -  laruetactical @seanc6971 ... Better ?
  -  seanc6971 @laruetactical Sarcasm. That's what a double wide on 10 acres went for near me recently 1 like
ianandersonn Yes, this is increasingly more common. Even in north central Wisconsin, people are paying over list price, buying same day as the tour etc