... Another Black & Tan test ... Wind was howling and my Boomer hands were cold, that's my excuse. LaRue Black & Tan 16" 5.56, Nightforce 5-25, McCourt 73g Bergers, Harris/LaRue HybridPod, 100 yards us ML
502 likesicecoldmn Looks like I'm going to have to source some 73 grain bergers and get to loading 1 like
- laruetactical @icecoldmn ... I think it's a case of bullets made in 50 gallon drum quantities versus bullets made in Olympic swimming pool quantities.
csolstice032018 Got mine. Thanks for trigger, it was a welcome surprise! I guess I'll be ordering another lower.... It's a viscous cycle. 😂 2 likes
- laruetactical @csolstice032018 ... First rule of Fight Club ... 3 likes
cupcakesmooches Husband's gun came literally overnight. He hasn't stopped smiling. Thank you for keeping him happy with all your guns!! 3 likes
- laruetactical @cupcakesmooches ... Please accept my thanks for choosing wisely 😎 1 like
southerncoastalcooking Mark don't make me buy another one 😂 1 like
kodiak_precision Nice half minute of crows nogg'n group!!! 1 like
el_jefe_556 Thank you for occasionally shooting like a mirror mortal ML. I'm always happy when it sticks to four boxes on my Larue Grid targets 1 like
z.pollak06 Any plans to reintroduce the single stage trigger?
- laruetactical @z.pollak06 ... Yes 1 like
billsnearly Not bad for a gas gun!
flyingturtletx Just sent an order for one
ekbenzo Awesome!can't get the rifle here in Cali.Will order more uppers/triggers though
scottyguns5437 Finally got the chance to stretch the legs on my LaRue 556 Match Grade Upper! Absolute tack driver, keep up the amazing work!!!
- laruetactical @scottyguns5437 ... Absolute Tack Driver = ?