... Just shot the Black & Tan rifle in my last post. One shot, then moved reticle to get more on paper, then shot the 0.680" 5-shot group, then came 6 clicks left and threw three in a 3-shot group at the quarter-size blue dot = 1/4" ... If I can do it, you can do it 🎯 Enjoy 💥 ML
678 likeswenzel747 Do you bore soght every rifle you switch scope to
- laruetactical @wenzel747 ... No. And I rarely, if ever sight it in. I shoot for the intersection of 4 of our Paper targets taped to a 2'x3' cardboard backer. It's gonna hit one of those 4 targets and does. I then figure out where to hold on the reticle to get a group where I want it.
- wenzel747 @laruetactical cool thank you love your products. Semper fi
dude_of_the_desert How much more accurate is tan than black?
- laruetactical @dude_of_the_desert ... Depends on the exact shade of FDE 🤷 1 like
michael.gill.1968 Scope? Type?
- laruetactical @michael.gill.1968 ...NightForce 5-25 1 like
pancake_the_heeler @laruetactical y'all ever thought about manufacturing your own ammo for retail?
- laruetactical @pancake_the_heeler ... We hate thinking, and besides, WTF is this "thinking" you speak of ? 1 like