... We own five (5) OMAX waterjets ... they make short work of lots of projects 😎 ML
394 likesrusty_keyboard New challenge. Water jet a grid of 10 holes .3 in diameter each 1 inch apart. Then to left to right, top to bottom seeing how many shots go through the hole without touching. I'd get exactly 0 today, but it'd be interesting to someone who shoots daily do it.
  -  rusty_keyboard @rusty_keyboard using .223 of course. Some idiot would come in hemming and hawing about how a .308 projectile wouldn't fit.
j.m.stewart77 @laruetactical do you waterjet projects for outside people needing production done?
  -  laruetactical @j.m.stewart77 ... No sir. We are not a job shop. We are a captive shop for that crazy LaRue guy 😎 2 likes
icecoldmn As a LaRue whale I'd buy a couple of them for the man cave 2 likes
duckhnt M-LOK Compatible? I like! 3 likes
redoak.sooner That's kewl
jesslarude Those water jets blew my mind
final_trace_wildlife I'll take 2 please! 2 likes