... One of you guys sent me a link to this trigger article ... LaRue triggers didn't make the cut 😎 but y'all let him know about his oversight in the comment section. I'm guessing we're approaching the 250,000th LaRue MBT trigger here soon, unless we already passed it 💪 Thanks a trillion y'all 💥 ML
1,062 likesgoldie_n_az I've got three myself. I should pick up one more though as a spare of course. 1 like
pjcane The only reason your trigger didn't make that list is because you didn't send them a bunch of free shit to buy them off. All my MBTs are straight up the best I've shot, and an insane value to boot. All these "reviews" are just becoming shills for whatever company will pay them off at this point. 38 likes
  -  rexbell296 @pjcane 100% 5 likes
  -  laruetactical @rdam_defense_ross ... Your post makes no sense 1 like
  -  hobbit0717 @pjcane I can't stand that they want a bribe to put you on a list of good triggers. Just makes them look like aholes because everyone that uses AR's knows who is who in the game. Shills everyone of them. 1 like
  -  pjcane @hobbit0717 totally agree! 1 like
chris.perry.9862 I run LaRue's in all of mine. Best trigger for the money, ever 3 likes
pillages_villages Ordered 7 Thursday, got them Saturday. I've got a lot of guns, but I think I have 19 MBTs to date and am almost G-free in the vault now. 14 likes
  -  laruetactical @pillages_villages ... 19 😳 Holy cow ! Question, you have enough time a variety of lowers - do you notice any creep whatsoever with any of your 19 MBTs ? ML 2 likes
  -  pillages_villages @laruetactical none, to include one you handed me in person at Modern Day Marine when they first came out that probably has 40K rounds on it. I finally got the SSA out of OBR s/n 0067 this weekend also. 5 likes
  -  ckomp That's impressive, I received my first on Saturday. But it did take a month and half to be delivered.
  -  laruetactical @ckomp ... Straight bow ?
  -  ckomp @laruetactical yes no worries it was worth the wait.
rplhvac Are you guys shipping these right now? Might need to order my 6th one today 4 likes
  -  laruetactical @rplhvac ... We sure are ... and Springfield spec'd our MBT in one of their new rifles and holy cow 😳 we need two more guys on the coal shovels 💪 18 likes
  -  realmda13 @laruetactical saw those popping up in those rifles! Congratulations on expanding the customer base. 1 like
  -  pillages_villages @rplhvac ordered a bunch Thursday, got them Saturday AM in Colorado
scotheocelot MBT = Best kept secret among the AR platform. 🙌 5 likes
guay.ron I have 2 rifles and 2 MBT's! My favorite by far trigger assembly! 🔥🔥🔥 2 likes
ryanchilders259 That web page is a farce, it's more of a fashion company than a tactical anything. 5 likes
chesterfieldhideout Larue triggers are THE GREATEST AR triggers on the market!!👏🔥👏🔥👏🔥 2 likes
denis85 Love my MBTs. I need to order another one actually now that I think of it. 🤔
andrewmconrad I've never tried one. Which trigger do you suggest for a supressed 'yote rig with a 10.5" barrel?
  -  ikemg13 @andrewmconrad I have five 2 stages. Selling my G unit payed for two of them 😂. But no shit the 2stage is nice. Easy to shoot fast but enough feel to work some precision in it. 1 like
jmhill_2469 I'm not a fan of the pew Pew tactical reviews. I don't go off of anything he says. I've had 4 different brands of triggers and then I bought 3 Larue MBT 2 S flat triggers. What a upgrade I got. I'll soon be adding another . 5 likes
b_more___ My two Larue triggers are amazing. Soon to order two more. I only tried two triggers on their list and my Larue triggers are better than both. 1 like
isaaclgilmore Notice how they are all drop in unreliable competition triggers. I hate that guys website 3 likes
dain_thegreat He's a Commiefornian reviewer 3 likes
garen_m_25 I have 3 ARs all with larue triggers 1 like
robert_leckie_feelsaccount Larue makes the best triggers on the market 1 like
guerrilla_chinchilla Y'all's trigger is the only one I'll put in my guns. Crispy and hit like a hammer!!
theshift16 Love my MBT
mhp_warlock Don't take it personal, PPT has a habit of reviewing cheap or otherwise unwanted gear. I mean, they still hock guns for PSA. 🤷 3 likes
alpha_phil15 That is nothing but a clickbait BS website and they know it! 1 like
freedomseeds9000 Pew pew tactical is a joke of a site. 2 likes
regolith247 I put an MBT on my first AR build. Shouldn't have, because now I'm spoiled and I don't want to buy anything else 1 like
taehajoo My Larue MBT breaks like glass and didn't break my bank account 1 like
wildland_outdoors Love my MBT2S
derek.det Only triggers I will buy.
codylawsoffical I prefer the weight of my G triggers but they don't come close to the crispness of the MBT2. I believe that is more important than weight
  -  yaheardme42 @codylawsoffical I'm sure you could use the springs off the g triggers to work with the MBT, no?
  -  codylawsoffical @yaheardme42 I don't see why not
krugtactical Mbt-2s!!! 🔥🔥🔥🔥 the best!!!! 🙌
tacticalfun Best competition style trigger for the money: American gold. Best $200+ trigger: ssa-e ( i know you dont like bendy bill but just being honest) Best overall trigger for quality, value etc: MBT
tom_rakip That site is all spam anyway @laruetactical 1 like
the_silverfox83 Outstanding trigger! I need another one
averyjankyjanke You guys have probably the best trigger I've ever had! Keep up the great work guys! 2 stage flat bow is suuuper smooth 1 like
yaheardme42 Is there a program to trade in our G triggers and get better equipment like the MBT????? 1 like
  -  laruetactical @yaheardme42 ... Yeah, we could do a Halloween special with the trade-ins "Creepy Trigger Sale" 😎 17 likes
  -  yaheardme42 @laruetactical 👏🙌🔥 not sure how you're percentages work out but you could run a special sale, trade in your crap G triggers and get 40% off the better MBT! 😉 and if you're looking for a rep in the northeast, let me know!
1893_woodworking Funny...most of those are garbage cassette triggers. 1 like
joesus1017 I have a couple MBTs but one particular one has started to create a "notch" on the underside of my RCA bolt carrier
nm156v2 Love my LaRue triggers!!
aimless223 I wonder whether those links to PSA, Brownells and Optics Planet generate income
arphoto_edc It's cringeworthy that any cassette triggers made the cut at all 1 like
icecoldmn I have shot many triggers and always come back to the mbt, have well over a dozen in different lowers and zero creep in any of them. Also running in a sig mpx like a Swiss watch 1 like
  -  laruetactical @rdam_defense_ross ... The first stage on a 2-stage is not creep, therefore there's nothing of substance in your mind to change. 1 like
  -  natedag87 @rdam_defense_ross the first stage of a 2 stage isn't creep. It's the first stage. 1 like
  -  laruetactical @natedag87 ... Right. Creep is when you lean on the 2nd stage and it scoots a little without going off. 2 likes
  -  todd.ritz @rdam_defense_ross Call it creep if you'd like, just know that's the smoothest, most glidey, KY-like "creep" you'll ever feel! 😂
  -  laruetactical @rdam_defense_ross ... Says the guy that posts about his Hyperfire 1 like
  -  laruetactical @rdam_defense_ross ... Whatever. Be advised, the big eye has rolled your way 😎 1 like
  -  tacticalfun @rdam_defense_ross sooo... you want a single stage?
  -  tacticalfun @rdam_defense_ross Lmao. Ok
  -  laruetactical @tacticalfun ... Oh damn, 2-stage ban button had creep 🤷
  -  tacticalfun @laruetactical 🤣🤣
stephencraigtaylor Your triggers are second to none.
zakkus_araylius I can't freaking stand that channel on youtube. That guy with the beard is such a soy boy.
jessehrv00 My Larue build is my favorite to date! That MBT will go onto every rifle I shoot from here on out.
arconcepts911 I've built 4 M4's now and they all your trigger and the next 2 builds will too🔥
trip_rivers @timney_triggers technical support sucks!!!
tacticalfun Best competition style trigger for the money: American gold. Best $200+ trigger: ssa-e ( i know you dont like bendy bill but just being honest) Best overall trigger for quality, value etc: MBT
  -  laruetactical @tacticalfun ... Meh, I love Bendy Bill. He forced me into fixing the trigger cartel 😎 3 likes
  -  tacticalfun @laruetactical 🤣🧡
coltremington The MBT is my go-to trigger for every one of my builds and I constantly recommend it to others. Absolutely the best bang for your buck. 1 like
onemoslice Haven't tried a larue trigger yet but I got one on back order. From what I hear, they're pretty bad ass
  -  onemoslice Lmfao!!! Bunch of comments say LaRue. Hell yeah! When will back orders start shipping out?
mikefz33 Wish we could get in as a dealer for your triggers. I sell a ton of impact/G2S/ALG ACT and love recommending them to people but I can't sell them at reasonable prices if I have to pay retail as well 1 like
  -  titan_rook @mikefz33 Loss leader? Especially if you love recommending them. I'm sure buying in quantity when these periodic sales occur for multiples would lessen the sting. Plus, for your customers, they're not paying shipping nor waiting for it. The thing in question would be transfer of warranty obligation as a non-authorized dealer.
  -  mikefz33 @titan_rook we take care of our customers no matter what. If it were to fail we just replace it and deal with the company ourselves. I'll make more off replacing a $100 trigger for free when the guy comes back for a second build. And it's just generally rewarding to take care of your customers and make them feel appreciated 1 like
  -  titan_rook @mikefz33 Exactly what I posted above, glad to read some businesses still stand behind the things they sell, even if they're not the manufacturer.
  -  mikefz33 @titan_rook some companies don't understand customer service 🤷 1 like
  -  laruetactical @mikefz33 ... The odds of you being shipped a defective MBT are about equal to dropping four banded greenheads with one shot from a 28 ga. 2 likes
  -  mikefz33 @laruetactical oh I imagine so. I have no doubt on the products, just more so even in the odd chance something were to happen, we just replace the product for the customer to save them the trouble 1 like
2aforthewin LaRue triggers not being included is disrespectful they are tied for 1st place 2 likes
texannebraskan I just see trash. G and LaRue then Schmidt 2 stage 2 likes
tac52_ What a joke! The MBT is a top 5 trigger easily 1 like
tallen805 Lovin mine!! Keep knockin-um out of the park, Mark.
legionpreparedness Would love to buy a MBT but your 1S are never in stock (or sell so fast I can't get my cc on 1-2)
458lottfan I have used a large number of triggers on the market. I exclusively use LaRue triggers in all my AR platforms now.
realmda13 Pretty hard to take that article even a little serious. Love those graphs you used to post up about the consistency of your triggers vs big Cheese. The definition of Precision isn't accuracy, it is REPEATABILITY.
josh_swartwood So I wonder if these trigger manufacturers are or have sued each other because they all made triggers that do similar of each other??😂😂 #rarebreedtriggers cry 👼
ar15bruther I'm getting ready to order another MBT for a new rifle. I wish I could get a FAT from you guys!
smothers.richard To date I have 10 ARs in various calibers. All but my Remington R15 have MBTs. The best trigger on the market regardless of price. The G trigger doesn't hold a candle to it.
coop_307 Idiots! Your trigger is the only one I buy anymore, keep up the good work gents. 🍻
ohsnapzombies YouTube LARPERS wouldn't know a good trigger if it hit them in the face! 4 likes