... Guess who thinks she's sittin' this one out ...
460 likesstorman_67 What's the O/U of choice right there?
  -  laruetactical @storman_67 ... 20 gauge Beretta 687-EL 7 likes
natejen7 Lol. She's waiting on you to leave so she can get into those Dot's... Smart dog
buk_ger Dot's pretzels are the best! 😋
jfpvh I had the privilege to shoot a Beretta King ranch silver pigeon 12 gauge WOW!!. What was you hunting quail? I love upland bird hunting but I don't have a dog love to Grouse u s u s ☕☕
mckeonekert Great time!
stiffuppergriff Love that we have the same hunting dog breed. Wasnt trying to piss you off partner was just guving some customer feedback. Lesson learned. Work on my delivery and clarity or i need to just stfu