... "Get Quality on the horn !! Groups have more than doubled in size !!" All kidding aside, Hornady's 140ELD sure plays well in our barrels 💪🎯💯 ML
255 likesdanieldoubled85 What barrel length was this rifle?
  -  laruetactical @danieldoubled85 ... 20" 1 like
  -  danieldoubled85 @laruetactical very nice!
hijacked162 NICE!👏👏👏👏
anderseriks @mandamarza
j_setliff I've gotta get me one of these!
kodiak_precision No doubt in my mind as I have several. Thanks for your relentless pursuit of accuracy and precision!!!
icecoldmn Do I throw out the 260 and switch over to the 6.5? Seems to really be the flavor of the last few years😥
bklingensmith61 Damn skippy! Wow! Which barrel?
drickvalsky I was going to say this is an excellent testament to both your rifle and the ammo. They do like each other. That group from earlier today I don't think it gets any better. Even this group would be hard to beat with hand load development. Makes me happy I have a large stash of this 140 eld.
bmayes425 What do your barrels like best in .308? Mine seems to really like FGMM 168 but I'm wondering if you have a preference?