Laser engraving layout for our new LaRue 11" Lok*A*Tinny (TM). 11.0 means it's what we call our 11" LAT. Additionally, multiply the 11 X $10 = it's $110 (a penny per thousandth / $10 an inch). World War HG is about to get underway. ML #larue #laruetactical #behindthescenes #howitsmade #gunsofinstagram #precisionmachining #precisionrifles #deadcenterofprecision
1,082 likestlbailey1 @laruetactical any plans on making longer than 13.2? Say 15,16,17" range? 🤞🏻 11 likes
  -  azlatrans @tlbailey1 this would be awesome! I would have to own the 15+ inch rails if they do!!!!
  -  laruetactical @azlatrans ... If we do it, it'll be whoppin' $150 bucks - ML 10 likes
  -  azlatrans @laruetactical take my money....please!!!
  -  jedkennethfesarit @laruetactical do it. There are handguards of lesser quality that cost more. You're not losing anything
  -  tlbailey1 @laruetactical did you ever get direct deposit sorted out? 😎
  -  s_platypus @laruetactical so the 13.2" rail is ~$132? 1 like
brentwallisch Is the "slick-a-tinny" still on the horizon or does the "lock-a-tinny" in place of it? 2 likes
  -  laruetactical @brentwallisch ... Both full steam ahead. ML 4 likes
hierobsides Just 556 or are you planning one for 308? If so what is the estimated weight on the 13.2 308 rail? I'll definitely pick one up for my hk762. 4 likes
  -  laruetactical @hierobsides ... Yes to 308s later ... The 308 is a small demand thing, but we're gonna check that box too, with both SATs and LATs. ML 6 likes
  -  jedkennethfesarit @laruetactical pls make sure you have dpms LOW profile?
  -  alaskanmarksman @jedkennethfesarit why not both?
  -  jedkennethfesarit @alaskanmarksman yes both
b00sted1 @nasty_got_em
hkhombre Beautiful pricing strategy. LaRue just gets better 1 like
randomgyro @iamdangermoose
lionstigersbears_408 @law_dogii
chadmonden @andreweod69 mmmm, I like what I'm seeing 1 like
  -  andreweod69 @chadmonden they on sale now bitch!🙌🏻
heytonyman Nice. OG Stealth owners thank you 🙏🏽
viktor_vladislav ALG BTFO 1 like
supernaut762 Is there an eta for these?
dropoutgts Bruh. This is gonna make me build a whole new rifle and ditch my aero. I already have your trigger on all my rifles 😂💪 2 likes
donalexander551 Oh that is going to be nice!
everready073 Winning
cccosby Are you finally going to allow people who buy a stealth upper with this the ability to buy a larue lower with it? I'd rather have a stealth dmr upper with a larue lower vs getting an ultimate upper kit.
12774738errr Take my money. Just take it.
somedude1151 A war where everyone wins! 😍
william.brown.182 Are these going to be options on the uu kits?
drbonesettinggunslinger Any chance the internal diameter will allow for a 1.5" diameter suppressor? 2 likes
  -  sethlastname @laruetactical ? Also have same question.
potomac_gun_trusts Love the innovation, quality, and value that you always bring to the market!
balls172 I'm buying one when they go up
86x70lm @laruetactical Could you this on my TOBR's 762 & 556.
rhinocable When??
el_coyote_delnorte Wow. At $110 even poverty pony owners can grab one of these. 7 likes
  -  randomgyro @defirs_17 and they will. En masse. 2 likes
raknick187 @laruetactical make a 11.5". Very few on the market and 12.5" barrels scream for it. 4 likes
balls172 🤠
ontargetmagazine Awesomeeeeee. Sounds like we need one!
usn1911 Nice looking rail.. Great price point..👍🏻
curtgonzales I feel like it's missing something... any room for *LIVE FREE OR DIE*? 7 likes
_j.heid_ @laruetactical weight?
chevy_blackbear So the 10in is gonna be $100🤔 2 likes
  -  laruetactical @chevy_blackbear ... Your beermath-fu is strong. ML 17 likes
  -  chevy_blackbear @laruetactical cant wait to get one!
  -  the_sultan_of_sausage @laruetactical 😃😃😃 1 like
chevy_blackbear So does this mean more options in the upper kits? 2 likes
the1911guy Weight? 3 likes
mergatroyd @laruetactical 10" gooseneck? For $105 maybe haha
slappomatt Damn larue really wants I'm my wallet again :) 1 like
josh_goes_pewpew Great looking handguard. Count on me for picking up one. 1 like
own.accord.l.i.v.i.n Y'all would wait to release this after I bought the original one! It's ok. I love it enough to still love it! 1 like
allisoncareygunworks For reals $110!?
qoreperformance WWHG = epic!👊
agw_fl 👏🙌🏻😱🙋
burge_z Killer product killer price
brentwallisch Will the mounting interface be the same as the old Stealth handguards for easy swapping/upgrades? 4 likes
  -  laruetactical @brentwallisch ... Yes, exactly. ML 7 likes
mikeb945 Well now I know what's going on my next build
blue06lj Just trying to get me to use my new gift cards.
roll84chi Just say when!
bob_jones84 @laruetactical looks great! What about the release date of the Slick-a-tinny?
johntenmm Gonna be any other length? I'd like to see a 7 or 7.5' 1 like
  -  laruetactical @johntenmm 7.0, 9.0, 10.0, 11.0, 12.0, & 13.2 11 likes
  -  mxwlmcv @laruetactical dammit!
  -  jonewald @laruetactical Will the 7.0 and 9.0 fit behind the FSB on carbine and midlength gas systems? 3 likes
mr.gwilde Keep pumping out awesome products and I keep buying them. (HEAVY BREATHING)
wjoecunningham I like it! 2 likes
josh.macintyre Awesome sauce🔥 2 likes
81tactical Love it! And $110, that's it?!!!! 1 like