Can't take my eyes off this armbrace-equipped 308 Siete pistol ... drop it, the TranQuilo, and scope, into a backpack. ML #larue #laruetactical #siete #sietepistol #behindthescenes #howitsmade #gunsofinstagram #precisionmachining #precisionrifles #deadcenterofprecision
628 likes_swest_ Love it! Any more hints on drop date or price? 3 likes
thiswildadventure #Hnnnnng 🍆💦 3 likes
jasonk7474 #ijustwanttohelp
joswizay I need this
storman_67 Well, sell me one so I can try it out!! I have a backpack, just need the Siete 1 like
kshorton7 Looking slick 🎯 .... we going to see this in more than just 308?
  -  laruetactical @kshorton7 ... Yeah, but the 308 has readily available ammo, plus a good selection of sub-sonic. ML 9 likes
topshotdustin Verified Yes. Yes. Yes! Need my FFL???? 1 like
baseline_train Daaaamn 🔥🔥🔥
4rbrandt @laruetactical AICS mags?
akscott60 Baller.
79.lone.wolf.one This photo is relevant to my interest 🔥
edterrazas76 Price range as is?
captgmreed God I wish Illinois will allow us to buy suppressors 😏😞😔
warrengeemoney Y'all should connect with the folks over at @blackcollararms . They got a fantastic looking product that would pair perfectly. 1 like
  -  blackcollararms @warrengeemoney And we're local 😉 (thanks for the shout-out, BTW. We're big fans of Larue's products!)
keith_shawshank Will start saving now and by the time it reaches pre-order I can jump in knowing the order will take 2 years to fulfill. LaRue customers are patient but 4+ years for a bolt action is some serious dedication.
86x70lm Very cool but I would take this 308 in 14.5" with pinned Surefire SOCOM mount and a real folding stock. It would work great with my @mysteryranch overload. Like @laruetactical minimalist chassis, will it take LaRue mags?
  -  laruetactical @86x70lm ... A P&W'd 14.5" you desribed sounds awesome. ML 1 like
  -  86x70lm @laruetactical Cut one of your 20's to 10 and it would be complete. Yeah?
  -  laruetactical @86x70lm ... So guessing about 6" of the barrel would stick out of the top of the backpack ? ML
  -  86x70lm @laruetactical Yes, but not looking for concealment. Just rather pack my rifle into and out of the woods than have to carry or sling it. Like to keep my hands free to navigate. No doubt,your proposal for covert is king.