... It ain't for a lack of tryin' 🤷
1,593 likesinstaradd I like the new molded packaging 1 like
jmhill2469 Patiently waiting for my MBT 2S flat 2 likes
the_sultan_of_sausage Looks like a bunch of tightened groups to me! I absolutely love mine. 1 like
imyrhandyman Best AR trigger on the market as far as I'm concern. As a gunsmith I recommend them to all my clients & personally have them in everyone of my AR's. I just wish I could get ahold of some more Dillo Dust! We're jonesing here. 😂 2 likes
  -  the_dumb_jock @imyrhandyman just had dusted chicken for dinner tonight! 1 like
  -  imyrhandyman @the_dumb_jock Aww man! I love using it on venison loin. 1 like
theflyinghouse This is a sight to behold. 1 like
mal1nis Is that just backorders?
mal1nis Please sir add a pre-order option for the single stage triggers.
lsxus__ I own 4 of those triggers!! 2 likes
him72984 THE... SIETE... 😢😢😢😢
minerals_chaser38 Just ordered a 7.62. Treating the lead time like an NFA.
  -  minerals_chaser38 @just_have_commonsense ugh. I had to have one. Nothing suppresses better than 7.62. Hope your cones this week.
bigcalamari My order is in there somewhere! Also waiting on another qd scope mount.hope they come soon!!
weapongear Your operation is truly inspiring 1 like
vquvdox Have you guys considered making y'all's own binary trigger?
voodoo_ranger_steve Finally!! I've been back ordered for a month
tylerxcollins My LAT rail is enroute😍
shopmonkeyactual 🤞 for single stage
doyouquaxu I hope mine is in there. Too frozen to shoot in ATX anyways
d_m_g_3 I went to order another trigger the other day and can't even preorder anymore? @laruetactical
shadetree_pilot And not a stopwatch in sight...
behindtheh59 Hubba hubba
glennurciolo Hey I think I saw my Trigger..... can't wait to try it in my new 12.5
stalley978 @laruetactical Just ordered mine, now the waiting begins
mikkoray84 Put mine in last night. Cannot believe how smooth and crisp the trigger is. My expectations are never low with larue but I have team mates with some fancy $200+ triggers and I feel the larue is better
  -  laruetactical @mikkoray84 ... It is better, the graphs don't lie. 💯 2 likes
samsonite456 I ordered mine on February 2nd, got an email that's it's backordered, then a friend of mine ordered his after the second already got his. Still waiting on mine
dellapenna22 Oh my! Send one to me 🤗
riley__patterson We need bullets not more triggers. Find a way to diversify and make bullets, primers, and brass please. 2 likes
  -  laruetactical @riley__patterson ... I have it on the highest authority that ammo production is at record levels. The flea market battalion is in line at every Academy long before 9am ... waiting on UPS to drop the day's ammo shipment off for the FMB to scarf all of it up. 🤷 9 likes
  -  riley__patterson @laruetactical glad to hear it. You guys using that revenue to expand it and do you produce your own primers?
jcmerz I have 5, they are the shit 🙌 2 likes
  -  thecodystone @jcmerz same. Lol
jasonk7474 #gold 2 likes
jc.actual Love mine! 🔥 1 like
jake0861 That's awesome!! Now can the same effort be put into making some MBT-1S triggers?! Please!!
john_v_meier Any idea how far you guys are out? Just ordered a 6.5 creedmoor. Hoping 2021? 1 like
  -  laruetactical @john_v_meier ... We are constantly improving, rearranging, optimizing production. JobBoss ERPware has been a huge help💪 10 likes
  -  john_v_meier @laruetactical appreciate the effort....good luck with everything
  -  the_dumb_jock @john_v_meier you are gonna love it! Did you get the 22"? I got mine last September and with my Bushnell I hit man-sized target @ 1164 yrds after zeroing the scope. I know how much I love mine, so I am so stoked for you! I have pictures of it set up on my profile if you want to see it! (Current profile pic is me shooting the .308 OBR about a year earlier) 1 like
sarcasmk1ng leeettss gooooooo....
robbiedavis23 @laruetactical ordered a uu a week ago Im pretty excited. 1 like
esqphoto "You complete me" 🧡 1 like
optiskate Cant wait to get mine.
deepsquats.longshots That's a whole lot of quality in one picture 4 likes
coltremington 👏👏👏 1 like
interpinto I have one on my bench I haven't installed yet. Why do I feel like I need another? 3 likes
  -  texan.right @interpinto just installed my second one then the snow hit and I can't get out to the ranch 😩
fullbore115b Are those up to MILSPEC? :)
  -  laruetactical @fullbore115b ... Well, certain .mil-type groups are shootin' them 🤷 12 likes
jmhtx85 Don't get triggered now.
  -  tehlonz @all4_m4 A dam.
  -  all4_m4 @tehlonz YU SOUN LIK MY EX WIFE DEB WIT THEM JOKS
biggunner81 👏
trucknuggets556 Hubba hubba 1 like
joseelmachine Please let mine be in there 🙌🙌
bottomf33der Single stages?? 🙌
guay.ron I just received mine a couple days ago and all I can say is WoW! I'm more than impressed with the quality and functionality of this badass trigger! Thanks Mark for bringing the 🔥🔥🔥 4 likes
  -  theflyinghouse @guay.ron Mind my askin, when did you place your order? 1 like
  -  guay.ron @theflyinghouse January 7th and trust me, it's worth the wait! This trigger is amazing and comes with anti walk pins! 1 like
  -  dj.spin.that.shit @guay.ron placed mine on the 7th as well but mine still says back ordered 😕 oh well, get some dry fire time in for the both of us 😂 1 like
rswilson2 Got mine last week, FANTASTIC! 2 likes