... Somebody's 308 shot fine 😎 ML
510 likestyreleddy Your guns shoot! Just out of curiosity how much does the point of impact shift when you mount that scope between so many different rifles?
erickwonrad My 20" 7.62 OBR is the absolute pinnacle of engineering, craftsmanship, and performance. Thank you, Mark!
ewerten How do I buy that dust cover? I have a PredatAR 7.62 and would like to have the caliber indicated on the rifle for future generations. I know it's on the barrel but it can't be read with the hand guard installed.
akscott60 🔥
458_socalm What an awesome picture! Great idea
72_bsc Damn. I'd like to see the velocities on a 10 shot string. Hell of a LR auto if it's decent numbers
radiac_svcs I would love to be able to buy just a barrel cartridge for my UU. I have a 20" and would like to have a 16" as well. Maybe one of these days, please? 1 like