... Taylor in Tech Support just sent me this pic of our latest billboard. It's out west on Hwy 71 headed towards Marble Falls. Thought I'd catch some ranch owners looking to up their confidence quotient in their shootin' stick 😎 ML
668 likeshei_nao 🧠🧠🧠🧠 1 like
jrexk9 🙌 🙌 1 like
elwebman Famous guide words ... reload, reload!! 1 like
pawpawlammy Them some big holes? You making 12 and 14 inch guns now?? 👍🏻 1 like
glock10mm17 🏆 🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆 1 like
pgf545 I saw a sign out on 130 north of 10 a couple of weeks ago. 👏👏👏 1 like
targetrichenvironment.tv 👏 1 like