... On AR15.com's GD forum, there's a new LaRue lower owner with a question. Here's the answer - the old ones didn't have that oval boss in front either. Semi safeties stop on a detent. Full autos need a boss. Yours looks like the ones I watched coming off that lower cell yesterday. It's intentional. Build it, shoot it ... enjoy. ML
1,285 likesjamisoncavazos Very nice... 1 like
81tactical Ummmm, I need a LaRue lower build, shoot and enjoy TF out of it, a smaller "556/223" one will do just fine too 😏
josh.macintyre Bring back the colors!! 😢 2 likes
  -  balls172 @josh.macintyre +1, I need a peanut butter .762 please
  -  josh.macintyre @balls172 same. Ordered a black 5.56 kit. But I have been holding back for a 7.62 until the colors come back. 1 like
isplityourwig You're IG post made it to the ar15.com thread 👏 3 likes
jakeww85 Kind of breaks my heart, but arfcom isn't what it used to be. 6 likes
  -  balls172 @jakeww85 +1 but the " ban hammer" was so cool right. Fuck'em
barnegat16 Omg. LaRue gear works. Go beat it up. Lord have mercy over these details. Service rifles are loose as legs and still stop insurgents on the reg... 1 like
jhetch81876 Anyone who doubts a larue rifle, has never owned a larue rifle. Period 9 likes
  -  sp0kanistani @jhetch81876 🙌 ..
samuel.culper_sr I'm getting a semi just looking at this picture 🤣 5 likes
  -  roncarter1759 @samuel.culper_sr 😂😂😂
roncarter1759 wait! someone complained about a Larue? They dont know what they have, unbelievable! 2 likes
jssmith70 I don't play there. Didn't Brownells buy that site? I do play with Larue rifles however. 2 likes
mohel_knives I dumped barfcom years ago.
  -  t_mitch87 @mohel_knives cool story bro
tomlabarre84 I couldn't believe that post, hopefully he gets over it.
jeff.davis.9465177 I banned AR15.com from all my devices. They could teach Zuckerberg a thing or two about speach suppression. They were doing it long before big tech. 3 likes
military_memories_modeled I got my Complete Upper yesterday.....very impressed so far
  -  laruetactical @military_memories_modeled ... The guys in the LaRue gunroom are crushing it daily. They are also gun guys and love getting flawless ARt onto the UPS truck. 🎯 1 like
  -  military_memories_modeled @laruetactical fits perfect with my Larue lower... 😍
han_brolo_760 Mmmm 3rd hole... 1 like
davep951 It was actually me who had asked the question. Thank you for clearing that up for me Mark. Can't wait to get to shoot it! 1 like
  -  laruetactical @davep951 ... ✅🎯u s
davep951 @goldie_n_az yeah, I had no clue. My apologies. Was not trying to bash the company at all. All is good. 1 like
  -  laruetactical @davep951 ... Don't sweat a thing. It's all good, you gave me an avenue to showcase improvements. 😎🔥u s 2 likes
wildcatreloading Safe, semi and brrrrt