... Our second one of these Okuma CNC grinders is gonna grind our Siete bolts (we've been grinding them on one of our many Brown & Sharp #1s) How about that wheel ? 😎 ML
177 likesthreepereaper68 Now that's a wheel
mako762 Those are great wheels 👍
csolstice032018 Team Larue does not f around. 110% in a world that's stuck on 30%!
458_socalm What's the 10? I was thinking it was 24" diameter, 1" thick but then 10 what?! Or are those numbers unrelated to size of the disc? This is why I love #laruetactical on instagram, awesome gun stuff for sure, but VARIETY of cool stuff!
dan.lichten Probably the arbor diameter. 24" OD, 1" width, 10" ID
458_socalm Looked like a brake rotor on my Audi for a sec!