... UU HGs, 2 at a time ... gives our CNC techs time to completely measure / document while she runs 🎯 ML
1,126 likesmemoandres95 What length are those handguards?
  -  laruetactical @memoandres95 ... Those are 10.5" ... the other Haas mills in that cell are running 13.0" 1 like
  -  glennurciolo @laruetactical looking for an 11.5 rail to go with my 12.5 Criterion barrel......
kodiak_precision Sweet machining there... again! 1 like
rbrooks954 👍 1 like
shmavid777 Love this page purely for the machining. Can't wait to get my UU 4 likes
dosbritts Wow, that is sexy
magsz18 Did you guys go back to adding the m lok slots at the 45 degree angles in front?!?? If so...crap..need to spend more money. :)
  -  texan.right @magsz18 what do you use the 45 slots for?
  -  magsz18 @texan.right T. rex arms light bars coupled with my cans. I'm not running nods so I don't have a need to mount the lights at the 90 degree points to get them out of the way of laser aiming devices. 1 like
thecodystone Slap either on a 6.5G and ship to me ASAP. 1 like
jblifts_ Will you guys make these in 15"?
  -  longhunterphotography @jblifts_ i asked that tooo look at the response 1 like
  -  jblifts_ @longhunterphotography I guess we're screwed then? 🤔 lol
  -  longhunterphotography @jblifts_ seems like it 1 like
  -  jblifts_ @longhunterphotography well that's fuckin gay lol
  -  longhunterphotography @jblifts_ i love larue but sometimes they are bit behind the times 1 like
  -  jblifts_ @longhunterphotography I agree and I gotta add more, website seems outdated, can't find a search bar anywhere or a drop down menu, and 15" seems pretty standard for the ar world so for a manufacturer not to be offering them is just kinda dumb. Guess I'll take my money to the other guys..
  -  laruetactical @jblifts_ ... Well ... bye 1 like
  -  jblifts_ @laruetactical I thought that might catch your attention, I have nothing against your stuff I always hear great things but some simple updates would help everyone. Not sure why you wouldn't offer a 15" when you have the capability? Just saying, don't get mad, do better 🤷
  -  laruetactical @jblifts_ ... I'm not mad. I'm the moderator. 😎 1 like
adam3gunner Any chance we will see a 6arc option anytime soon? 1 like
  -  laruetactical @adam3gunner ... Hey, is ammo available ? 10 likes
  -  tacguy22 @laruetactical I'd buy a 6 ARC from Larue in a heartbeat. Incredible cartridge.
  -  arconcepts911 @adam3gunner I'm up for a 6arc, collecting rounds now
  -  adam3gunner @laruetactical seems like hunting hens teeth currently. However like all things I suspect that will some day change. 1 like
aume1996 You make a replacement version for the PredatAR? Should would love a shorter HG on my 16"!
princesslifeofficial Sweet😍 1 like
cletus.james.walker Do you start with an extrusion or a solid piece of material ?
gakzreid Awesome!!! I'm excited, I ordered mine back in November and I've been anxiously waiting to finish my build with it. 1 like
michigan_great_outdoors So is that one solid piece of aluminum bar at the beginning??
longhunterphotography Wish yall made 15 inch ones but im planning on getting a 13 inch one
  -  laruetactical @longhunterphotography ... You can tell her it's 15 inches 😂 5 likes
  -  longhunterphotography @laruetactical but but I need to look tacticool!
slipperypete530 Mark, do you think you might ever sell individual hand guards for the Ultimate Upper Kit uppers? I wouldn't mind switching a couple of the keymod hand guards I have over to M lok. I realize you sell the stripped upper sets but I'd rather not have extra parts laying around if I don't gotta. I bet if you sold just the hand guard by itself, there would be a ton of guys that would buy an M lok to replace their keymod. 1 like
81tactical @laruetactical Looking at your Tactical Lok Picatinny LAT handguards, I have an upper with a 12.5" barrel that's just needing a handguard. Do you think I should I go with the 11 or 12" LAT? It will have a DeadAir Keymo 3-prong Flash Hider out front for the muzzle device (for the whatever KeyMo compatible suppressor I end up going with, eventually LOL🤷)