... A fine day afield - ML
373 likeshitman79_actual Good pic! Looks like a good day.
I took my nephew out shooting for the 1st for his Bday with Predatobr #7529
Sir the smile on his face when he Shwacked the hell out of that 8 inch plate 300 yard plate never firing a weapon is something I will never forget. Oh yeah check out that 10-year-old shirt I was wearing when I killed that Hog last month 2 likes
bluetreefrog Looks fun! How old is the pooch?
  -  laruetactical @bluetreefrog ... She's a 5 year old Wirehaired Pointing Griffon - ML 1 like
phil.thompson.140 Excellent!
collinsallan43 @laruetactical is your furry one a WHPGriffon? They are great dogs.
  -  laruetactical @collina43 ... See above
  -  collinsallan43 @laruetactical ours is a 1.6month old WHPG.
mckeonekert Yes it was. Running blues where a challenge but great fun! 1 like