... Giving stuff to shoot to a country virtually surrounded by America's enemies ... seems like a no-brainer to me 🤷 ML
309 likesj_frank24_ Israel does not have apartheid. One of the things I saw living there was the "special" license plates for Muslims who had pledged loyalty to Israel. They were allowed to travel across all boarder freely and without hassle. All they had to do was sign an oath that the Jewish state had the right to exist. Even if a Muslim didn't sign the oath they're allowed to travel for emergency medical care unmolested. If you're a Muslim in Israel who is "oppressed" the Jewish state isn't to blame. 12 likes
  -  lmikem99 @j_frank24_ what of they lived there before the Jewish state? Do they still have to agree to be conquered or just occupied?
j_frank24_ To the victor go the spoils. Even if you did live there before 1948 that is still Jewish land dating back eons. The Jews just took their land back but I doing so they harmed as few people as possible which is not the response they would get from those who wish to push Israel into the sea. 1 like
  -  lmikem99 @j_frank24_ I agree with to the Victor goes the spoils, but you can't criticize the Palestinians for trying to take back what they see as their land.
j_frank24_ I would implore you to read a few history books. Regardless, slaughtering and torturing innocent families in their homes is no way to "win" anything. The Palestinians are very lucky that Israel practices the restraint they do not. 1 like
  -  lmikem99 @j_frank24_ lol. How do you think we won America from the Indians? Or the Israeli took over from the brits? I agree. In this day and age there should be rules for war. But when the world's only super power supports your enemy they fight as best as they can. I can't say I would do any different if I were in their shoes. You probably wouldn't either.
  -  heelerhavoc @j_frank24_ not only that, but there is an Israeli Arab political party that currently is part of the majority coalition in the Knesset. Arab citizens in Israel have the same rights that Israelis do - more in some cases as they're typically exempt from conscription - it's just the ones that voted for a genocidal regime (Hamas) that's at war with the Israeli government that the Israelis don't allow complete freedom.
alabama_whiteman_wanna_be_free Why would our greatest ally sink our boat that was flying our colors, then return and shoot the life boats and try to blame the whole thing on Egypt to drag us into fighting another war for them? 29 likes
freakinout Our enemies are already within our country 3 likes
  -  laruetactical @freakinout ... Not everyone pulled the "Lucky 13" lever in 1776 🤷 2 likes
  -  458_socalm @freakinout it's spelled "running" our country! 2 likes
midatlanticmunition You had me at "stuff to shoot".😍 1 like
armas_bravas All support to Israel should be private donations, not taxpayer funded. With that said, the Gaza Strip should be theirs, they won it in a war they didn't start. 7 likes
doomer_talent_show If we stopped giving money to israel and they got overrun tomorrow I would still have to go to work. If I still have to go to work then whatever happened doesn't matter. 6 likes
thenewbootgoofer I think Israel has a lot to do with why these countries hate us so much ⚡ 8 likes
  -  laruetactical @thenewbootgoofer ... And nothing to do with the Caliphate ? 3 likes
  -  bret_shipley @thenewbootgoofer Lulz. You are clearly incapable of understanding history. 1 like
paddyb_17 Mossad needs these rifles to protect the child sex slaves in the Caribbean! Only the best for our greatest ally 😍😍
  -  laruetactical @paddyb_17 ... I knew this bot would be following over 2,500 other accounts ... and the number is ... 2,872 😎 4 likes
patrick.a.johnson314 Like the reply, but you cannot fix that level of stupid 1 like
jwknowsstuff 😂😂😂😂😂
lmikem99 Yes but... one of the biggest gripes those enemies have is that we support Israel so totally. I'm not saying we abandon them but we need be more even handed in that region.
libertycollectives People just don't like us. Plus they have been taught any form of taxation is wrong because they don't understand the social contract and the reality of society.
  -  armas_bravas @libertycollectives calm down there John Locke. One can understand something and still disagree. Also, they dislike us because of our foreign policy. 2 likes
  -  libertycollectives @armas_bravas yes legitimate arguments can be made against the aid. I'm referring to those who simply make the argument against all foreign aid "because it doesn't go to Americans" or the "all taxation is theft" people. Which unfortunately is most people.
  -  laruetactical @libertycollectives ... When Thomas Jefferson sent the Marines to Tripoli to chop some Cutlasses, the money it took aided every decent trading nation. 3 likes
jitzonherface.bjj Why are random brown people in the Middle East who don't know I exist my enemy? 2 likes
  -  tioga_arms @jitzonherface.bjj because we were told so, now shut up and eat your insect protein. 1 like
thebigiam8 Maybe they are our enemies because we give arms to their enemy.
mason_2percent LMFAO. Like this guy tried so hard. Prolly spent 2 days working out his question. Then stepping back. Staying outside the stupid box. Give the simple reason and answer lmfao. Love it 2 likes
  -  mike._.danker @mason_2percent except his answer is the most brain dead he replies with snarky one liners because he lacks the intellect required to answer the question or he knows hes wrong if he does and chooses to not admit it 1 like
  -  laruetactical @mike._.danker ... Please spell "ban button" for me, as I'm too dense to know😎 2 likes
doc_toboggan W take
brisketman14 Israel sells our military secrets to the Chinese
klatre.fabriken Some of those anti tank rounds are really only worth anything against thinner tank armor. It would be like if your buddy's back 40 was infested with the last remaining werewolves and your wife was mad you gave him your silver bullet stockpile from back when they were a problem everywhere.
tioga_arms Israel is a terrorist state. We should have annihilated them after they murdered US sailors on the USS Liberty. 1 like