... "Remember the Maine" ... Doesn't say it, but it's rumored Tom Horn headed up swimming the livestock 🐎 ashore (from quite a ways out to sea). A day in the life of America's warfighters u s ML
171 likesderek_crash And the Maine likely exploded because of a coal fire near a magazine, not not a hostile act.
- kevin.young.77582 @derek_crash The war was fueled by the media.Some things never change
rshaw04090 When I was in the Navy we were whiskey anchored off Nassau in the Bahamas. I was doing shore patrol on the pier for liberty launches . A car backfires and spoked a horse drawn carriage horse . It kicked back at the carriage and caught a rear leg on top of the wiggle tree . Panicked and ran right through our crowd control barriers and off the pier . Lucky there was a research vessel moored at the pier with divers cleaning their gear that dove down and cut the horse from the carriage and saved it . The driver had to swim the horse around the bay to the beach but it made it out . I took two things away . Horses have a massive lungs . Air bubbles came up the dive of a VW Beattie . Secondly if your in the rear seat on a carriage going off a pier prepare to be catapulted some distance. 1 like
- laruetactical @rshaw04090 ... What a thing to witness 😳😳😳
kevin.young.77582 Good read 1 like