... HDPE for the win π ML
281 likesjoe.numbers I didn't even realize orders had opened at some point for these. Damnit
- extremelongranger @joe.numbers It would have been pretty hard to miss, TBH. Multiple emails, Instagram, Gun Boards (AR15.com/Snipershide/Reddit). Just as well, though, probably. Mark said they would shipping 20/day by November 1. That's November. Just yesterday he said they shipped the first two (2) out. That's 738 behind promised pace, and it's unclear if that's getting higher every day.
- joe.numbers @extremelongranger yes clearly wasn't paying attention. That was the point. Thanks
csolstice032018 Once again, you prove you are the master of efficiency.
- laruetactical @csolstice032018 ... Machined out of 1" thick High Density Polyethylene, those are "assembly boats" for organizing all the parts required to make a Siete bolt. 1 like
- jonathan.thorn.75 @laruetactical Nice kits, how many extra small parts are included in it? I know my fat fingers would be losing those. I would need a big magnet plate to assemble over.
- laruetactical @jonathan.thorn.75 ... That is an in-house aid for efficient Siete bolt assemble. 1 like
patrick.a.johnson314 Dear Santa, I have been a shithead this year. Admittedly, that is not different from any other year, but I was one of the first crew to order a Siete, and if you look past numerous personality flaws, and sprinkle some elf powder on Leander, Texas to help with their preparing our gifts... 10 likes
- patrick.a.johnson314 @patrick.a.johnson314 In case this strikes a cord, the joke concerned my personality flaws. 1 like
- lkcrome @patrick.a.johnson314 I'm all but certain owning a LaRue mitigates all but the most heinous character flaws and my wife has interchanged my name and the title of shithead several times through the years so I'll choose to take it as an affirmation of admiration and respect for meπ. 1 like
kodiak_precision Sanitary as expected!π
jointdocshields Looking forward to getting mine
texansn_ Such a breeze to work with, by comparison, when you're used machining metals - and so much cheaper - makes me happy every time I get the chance!
macman_lifestyle Nice! Patiently waiting for my Siete π³