... Here you see groups from three of the rifles shown on the rack this morning. Shop sent me home with homework tonight. I gotta measure and sign the targets. This was 69g FGMM at 100 yards, Nightforce 5-25 cranked-up. Harris/LaRue HybridPod, me 😎 on the trigger 🎯 ML
322 likesthebigred692000 That sure is a pretty ruler you have there. And some right groups. 1 like
josh.macintyre Laser👏
motocycleman12 And this is why I buy Larue. One and done.
gevas.defense.gunsmith I can't wait to build uppers using your barrels ant triggers. I got 2
  -  a_aurioles34 @gevas.defense.gunsmith larue triggers are prime, not just for the money, the price is just icing.
bigaggiemike Very nice!
cdogg626 I see you got some new triggers for the Saint atc 🔥🔥!! 1 like