... @patcbarc ... You noticed the saddle. A cowboy on the JA Ranch told me about saddlemaker Robert Mitchell. Mitchell's saddle shop is in Throckmorton, Texas. Years ago, driving back from Accuracy1st, I drifted east and looked Mitchell up and bought that saddle. Now ya know the rest of the story 🐎 ML
448 likessupercomp9x23 That's awesome, it's a small drive from Olney, my hometown. 1 like
  -  laruetactical @supercomp9x23 ... IIRC, AG Tractors are built and flown out of Olney. I've landed and refueled there.
  -  supercomp9x23 @laruetactical yes sir , that is olney home of the Air Tractor airplane.
  -  laruetactical @supercomp9x23 ... I met a ferry pilot while fueling in Olney. He flew a private jet for a BrasÃlia business and when he had downtime, he'd come to Olney, pick up an Air Tractor and fly it all the way to Brazil. He said the heading to Brazil is southwest the whole way and he flew no higher than 10,000 feet, saying above that wears you out due to thinner oxygen. 2 likes
  -  laruetactical @laruetactical ... Typo - "Southeast", not southwest
sethjamesmusic One of the best. Have one of his earliest builds and actually put a few miles on it at the JA. Good neighbors. 2 likes
  -  laruetactical @sethjamesmusic ... Does # 213 on my saddle sound like an "early build" ?
  -  sethjamesmusic @laruetactical good question. Let me ask my brother. Standby 1 like
atxrussell Grew up listening to Paul Harvey with my Dad - that last line always makes me smile. 2 likes
charles_helm The JA...lots of history there 2 likes
tonyleal84 That's awesome. I grew up in Throck, small world.
  -  perez2021juan @tonyleal84 Really pretty out that way, Throck and Graham. It's like a strip of the hill country extends all the way up there? 1 like
mhargrove92 Got one; it's all that :)