... And, there's five (5) Nolo winners - ML
613 likesshwell11 Awesome! 1 like
sscott7731 Can't wait!!!
michael_wilkes Let me come take photos for you... 1 like
akscott60 Awesome. 1 like
sierra_sequoia_socal its happening x87 isnt it?
drewboooooo Mark, do you have a ballpark price for the siete?
  -  cpl0313 @drewboooooo he said earlier it looks to be in the low teens.
  -  drewboooooo @cpl0313 that makes me happy 🤘🤘🤘 thanks!
bh3187 Those look beautiful. Thanks for supporting nolo and his work.
  -  laruetactical @bh3187 ... No, the thanks go to Nolo and all y'all sponsoring them by shelling out your hard-earned $50 bills - ML 3 likes
  -  realmda13 @bh3187 can't thank ML & Nolo enough for the mission they've embarked upon. My $50 is a drop in the bucket compared to all the materials and time Mark has donated to the cause. Keep up the fight you guys!
stevenmcclay6921 Wow! Those are some sexy rifles. I'm in for Nolo 6.
c3clinton 👏u s u s u s
tim_ss92 Any ambidextrous lower coming to your rifles?? @laruetactical