... Can't sling a dead cat around here without seeing something neat that we make - ML
668 likestopshotdustin Verified Is the level new? 9 likes
  -  mr_halewyn @topshotdustin that's what I'm wondering. I need one 3 likes
  -  jtac_tard @topshotdustin looks like a accuracy 1st level
  -  laruetactical @jaysamatha ... Yeppers, it is an Accuracy1st level - ML 2 likes
  -  mr_halewyn @laruetactical what's the PN# on this? Please I'm in desperate search of a level that sets up this way
hugo_z71 Sling a dead cat near my SUURG kit lol 2 likes
dannertactical A1st collaboration?
a3addon Vaporware. 😭
joeythec02 That's cause everything u make is neat!!!!! 1 like
softie70 Too bad you don't offer that mount to anybody but the marines, even tho you post it with scopes that folks own and buy a mount specifically because their scopes are mounted in those mounts. Specifically the Eotech VUDU!!!! That mount don't work for the civilian market. 2 likes
  -  laruetactical @softie70 ... You're thinking of a different mount. ML 2 likes
  -  softie70 @laruetactical I tried to tell you already...I emailed you like you asked without reply...I'll try to tell you again....I bought the LT845. The VUDU won't fit, yet you have that scope specifically in the same Marine mount on your insta page...so at first blush, you think as a customer....this will fit my scope, so you spend 300+ and buy, only to find that the 3 hole front scope cap won't work. So then you call, and the salesman tells you that you can't buy a 3 hole scope cap....that is pictured on Larue Instagram...nor can you buy the QD Wilcox arm.......military only.....and that's the mount you saw with your scope before purchase. Kinda misleading. By the way....I run Larue on every thing I own.....1st negative review. I took the front scope cap to a machinist friend, he matched it to the VUDU, so at least it's operable, but cost more money.
  -  philly_phil___ @softie70 you're mad because you bought the wrong thing, and the thing you want isn't for sale. This sounds like a "you" problem. 3 likes
  -  laruetactical @softie70 ... My apologies, and I hate hearing you had trouble. Nothing I hate more than to shell out bucks for a fistful of aggravation. ML
casadenewman The best Shot Show quote ever!
eljefe_kf Is coaxial mount a QD? We gonna be able to snag that soon?
j_frank24_ Kid tested, Hodnett approved?
  -  laruetactical @j_frank24_ ... In Todd ... We Trust 3 likes
stephencrews And how exactly do you see your elevation again? 3 likes
  -  laruetactical @stephencrews ... You are likely running a Horus reticle, so your elevation is inside the scope, in your field of view - ML
  -  stephencrews @laruetactical gotcha... I don't know anything about the context but that must be a set parameter for this use case.
  -  laruetactical @stephencrews ... Get yourself a scope with a Horus reticle in it. It's a game changer ... akin to cheating. ML