... Be watching for another of our rare LaRueMails ... just sayin' ... without sayin' anything else 😎 ML
1,612 likeshatchhilliard What are these rounds?
  -  laruetactical @hatchhilliard ... long one and a short one 1 like
  -  damien_5.4 @hatchhilliard 6.5 grendel and creedmoor
  -  hatchhilliard @laruetactical sassy old boomer vibes, love it
  -  hatchhilliard @damien_5.4 that's what I thought, but the most recently invented caliber I own is 556
  -  laruetactical @hatchhilliard ... Okay, that made me laugh 😎
  -  hatchhilliard @laruetactical I can't wait to buy one of your products Mr. LaRue, the road to me affording that is right around the bend. I've always enjoyed the "make 1,000 yard hits" billboard outside of Chapel Hill.
  -  laruetactical @hatchhilliard ... With a 6.5CM or 260 Rem, subtract 200 from 1,000 = 800 ... hold 8.0 mils, send it.
shooterjosh3 Will you be offering uppers again soon to go with the large frame lower? 1 like
  -  laruetactical @shooterjosh3 ... Yep 9 likes
  -  shooterjosh3 @laruetactical Final question. Do they take the same lower parts kits?
accuracy1st I just ordered 4 likes
man_in_gunderland Where can I get a compatible m110 upper? I wanna get this for a 6.5 creedmoor
  -  laruetactical @man_in_gunderland ... Rocks ... stop living under them. 3 likes
ar15news So if I pair a LaRue lower and a PSA upper do I get your accuracy guarantee? 😂 2 likes
  -  texan.right @ar15news 😂 the accuracy package might be a good step... 1 like
jdg0707 I can't afford anymore emails... 15 likes
  -  nm156v2 @jdg0707 😂 1 like
usgeneral25 This is really getting expensive with all your good deals! Now I'm just patiently waiting for the BCGs that I need for all my projects 2 likes
sweshooter Need to get myself one of the AR15 ones 😍
  -  texan.right @sweshooter buy the set and set the large frame on the desk to remind you of your next present to yourself 1 like
mattjo2 Seite???? Come on man.... release it already. 4 likes
joey_naps 2022 build on the way! Done 1 like
sethurbanek Got mine! ✊✊✊us
shorebillybruce I like the emails I've getting 😎 "xyz has shipped" 🧡
stillsaltyaf_ Checking it now.
dromo07 Ordered as soon as it came! Can't wait for the uppers to be in stock soon
nuke.vet Interesting....DO17 1 like
wolfsprairieoutdoors Oh yeah 🔥
oneasteriskindustries Got mine🔥
300blackout_ Love those emails!
vine_matt Wish I could, but poor from the move to FREED (Texas)!
hobbit0717 Got it.
pushisgrumpy Remind me the significance of the DO-217 in this pic?
thecodystone I got the email. Was hoping it was a shipping notification for a suurg suppressor.
eichner_kev 😮🙌
matta2662 Ordered
jdg0707 Just released. That's a pretty sweet deal!
jwb_2500_official Ordered mine, now for 6.5 upper..... 1 like
zack_kaplan_ Are those 6.5 Grendel and Creedmor
  -  oathkeepercoffee @zack_kaplan_ yes, they are working on filling those orders this next month from my understanding. I should have mine 6.5 creed sometime in January. Ordered it last year in November. 2 likes
  -  zack_kaplan_ @oathkeepercoffee damm that's a while Alr thanks
nceshot 🧡 its time has come.
_viking_43 I must have missed the email. How do we get on the list? Im already a customer with an account
  -  laruetactical @_viking_43 ... Bottom right corner of website 2 likes
  -  _viking_43 @laruetactical thank you sir 1 like
duckhnt @laruetactical and Santa arrives fashionably late! 👏 👏 Well done!
mumzergadol @laruetactical does your large frame receiver cut line up with the old mega stuff? Would love to buy one of your uppers 1 like
  -  laruetactical @mumzergadol ... This is M110/SR25 style 5 likes
  -  _chase_e SR25 cut uppers fit with Mega lowers. Test fitted my KAC Mk11 upper on a Mega lower my friend had awhile back to settle a debate lol 2 likes
  -  redshagr @laruetactical I'm not well versed in the large frames... so while I'm guessing not based on comment above I still want to check, would your lower work with an LR-308 upper?
  -  mumzergadol @_chase_e thanks... Sure looked right. I know pins maybe different, but thanks!
  -  _chase_e @redshagr No. LR-308s are a difffetent pattern. You have DPMS/LR308, M110/SR25, and ArmaLite patterns. 1 like
  -  redshagr @_chase_e that's what I was thinking, appreciate the confirmation!
guardianfirearmco Got mine in, great deal! Now just need the UU kits to come back! 2 likes
gunnertwo Nice!!
peter.noowin Happy New Years Eve Mr. LaRue. Was this year a good or bad year for you? What did 2021 teach you? If anything at all.
crusader_135 Ah yes. The dornier 17 bomber 2 likes
tacthiccalfun Are these in stock or a wait like the uppers?
  -  laruetactical @tacthiccalfun ... In stock and one of my die-heads 💪 was down there running orders as they came in. She processed lotsa orders already. 4 likes
  -  tacthiccalfun @laruetactical heck yea
realmda13 Son of a witch... I'm gonna have to call my ffl and see if he's even still in business it's been that long. 😂