... So this rifle came back to us "CAUSE THE SUMBITCH WON'T RUN !!". It was one year old, filthy, and dry as the Sahara. My guy, who sees this way too much, oiled it without cleaning it, and couldn't get it to malfunction. He's now cleaning it thoroughly, then he'll oil it, then ship it back to the customer. Who will immediately try everything in the book to get it to malfunction. Meh, guess this means we're runnin' with the big dogs now. The lesson here is "Everything's better wetter" - ML
1,822 likessal_c03 😂😂💯
tedferguson7 Imagine being able to know you want a LaRue, could afford a LaRue, but not know basic rifle maintenance. 1 like
bronzeback_outfitters Couldn't of said it better myself brother 🤙🏻
240gr Ive owned 2 OBRs, never had an issue with either, suppressed or unsuppressed. Any chance this guy is running crappy reloads?
fb_boyd #ThatWetWet
rotten1ndenmark I honestly don't get how you spend the money for something nice like a larue, then fail to maintain it. Gotta be pretty dumb to run one so dirty it doesn't cycle, then blame it on the item.
1toughmedic Looks like it was shot suppressed probably with shit ammo and shit lube 1 like
davids_lifemission It's amazing that there are still dumb ass customers out there trying to bash your products. Only to be proven to be a total dumb ass. If any of your products fail, it's not because of the product, it's the dumb ass who doesn't deserve to own any type of firearm.
jhetch81876 Did nutnfancy ever give you a formal apology for trying to trash talk your rifle, that he fucked with, then tried to act like it didn't run? Dudes a clown 6 likes
  -  laruetactical @jhetch81876 ... Ha, no he didn't. Doesn't matter if he did because he'd fake apologies too. 🤷 9 likes
ta_visuals When are you getting more straight bow 2 stage triggers? I have been on back order for weeks now
metal_mayhem82 I wish for a world where firearms ownership required a little personal accountability (the way it used to). "Yeah, your gun is jamming, why? Because you don't know how it works, you've never cleaned it, and your $900 optic puts you in the ballpark of a $200 shooter. Have a nice day."
timmy_tomahawk Nothing changes
m4colt223 even a dum-ass can buy a great rifle
flashbang.kd "Everything's better wetter", I'm stealing this for my classes. I will give you full credit.
the.necro.maker Reminds me of that one idiot online who complained that his rifle wouldn't work after he just completely fucked that gun from the inside out.
  -  laruetactical @the.necro.maker ... Tweren't Nuttin' Fancy about that guy. I'm truly surprised the Air Force let him fly their planes. 🤪
thecodystone Just spit on it to lube it up. Works 60% of the time, every time.
jeff.davis.9465177 I really don't understand the guys who refuse to clean and maintain their weapons. On a lunch break at my last carbine course I pulled my bolt wiped it down reapply oil and run a bore snake. Some guys tells me if I bought better gear I could be eating instead of cleaning. Murphy showed up on our second drill and his rifle shit the bed. I smiled and said if you had just shown a little more love to his rifle instead of that roast beef sandwich which, he could still be shooting. Take care of your fucking gear you heathens!
gearheadkittykat The long range shooters say not to clean your rifle until accuracy drops. I still break down my bolt gun to do a proper cleaning like my carbines, each time after I use it.
soar_wave Wasnt a lot of info available about this 20 years ago. I couldnt understand how this platform wouldnt give me the reliability of my shotguns and sks/ak. This little revelation about these guns being mermaids and needing to be wet was a game changer. Not sure how this was so widely known in the military but so little talked about among civilians until recently.
cmm__86 @laruetactical Any chance of getting 9x39 in a AR15 platform?
41whiskey 🤣🤣 @accuracy1st I ran one of your 14.5" tOBRs w/ sure fire can and I was only allowed to oil it but no other cleaning to help torture test it and I didn't have a single malfunction and the gun had already had thousands and thousands of rounds through it. It still had sub-MOA groups and the only bad thing I had was oil on my face because of the surefire can. Wish I had a #tranquilo for that run.
josh.macintyre Recommended your electronic targets to a gun store owner today. Only for him to tell me he cant stand LaRue Tactical and it was the rudest experience he had with a manufacturer. Must be because he cant buy wholesale, because he wouldn't give any details. I guess accurate rifles with the best warranty and guarantee in the business is not for everyone! I said suit yourselves! I would run my Tobr's against anyone's bolt gun!
  -  laruetactical @josh.macintyre ... LOL, we're the grumpy old precisionists 🤓 3 likes
  -  broke_medic @josh.macintyre he obviously didn't call to ask a simple question and end up getting expert advice from @laruetactical gunsmith for 30 min. Hands down best CS I've ever experienced, as I'm sure you know. 1 like
broke_medic Can we get an "Everything's better wetter" sticker? It would go well with the "M4s are like women, they're more fun when they're wet" sign I had in my arms room my first enlistment. 1 like
81tactical Is that some kind of to port gas system?
  -  81tactical two*
keyspeed09 Because sometimes its easier to push a chain up a dirt road
jkedsnake Concoction of : Mobil 1, High temperature red bearing grease, Kano Kroil. Shit is legit. 2 likes
will_dissent 99% of malfunctiins w/ quality rifles can be fixed , but nothing can fix stupid !
peakpg03 Or clean your shit and don't be a lazy twat
cody.jack.22 Any QUALITY (keyword there) AR should function fine when properly maintained. Clearly this was a case of improper (or lack of) maintenance. And any quality manufacturer should stand behind their product. As clearly you do. 1 like
chingkou87 Better wetter? Agreed 🤣
k_bash88 And you can tell it's been ran suppressed. It's probably so gunked up lol🤦
wejustclicked Girthy boi
hunter_maxey21 Some people...
vine_matt As I was taught in the Navy. Lubrication IS the answer.
icecoldmn People are so stupid with moving parts,the dam things need some lube. Had a guy bring out a uu kit gun to a shoot bitching it would not run thru a box without jamming. He assembled it with zero lube and thought the gun would break in that way. I hit it with some mgl and runs like a Swiss watch now
jsmith_409 I didn't even know you were supposed to oil them🤷
the_faceless_chad I tell my guys at work all the time, If you love it, lube it. Works with gun, cars and women. 1 like
michael_nedo Moving metal parts need oil? No way. 15 likes
  -  peakpg03 @michael_nedo shocking news 3 likes
mikeb945 Who the F doesn't ever clean or lube a rifle and expects it to run? Does this guy ever change the oil in his car? 1 like
chiefjiv Nutnfancy v2.0? 2 likes
ozgood03 Like Pat Rogers used to say, "Women are like rifles. They run better when wet." RIP Pat u s
wardjm1 @laruetactical how about you start a trade-in section on the website and pass on a fantastic deal to those who know better... 9 likes
  -  laruetactical @wardjm1 ... ??? I'm intermittent fasting between having nothing in reach to eat and it's affecting my cognitives. 🤓 9 likes
  -  wardjm1 @laruetactical instead of sending the gun back, sell it!
  -  laruetactical @wardjm1 ... LOL, it ain't ours to sell 😂 6 likes
johnnywayne3 That's solid
topgunshooter Some people just aren't shooters. 😂
ryanschott78 If he wants to sell it...I'll take it.
derekhbailey Oil the hell out of it, it will discard the oil it doesn't need on it own after first couple rounds 🤣 6 likes
jtac_tard 🤣
dustyabner @fireclean FTW 3 likes
csolstice032018 I've been using Machine Gunners Lube since I got a sample in the first FUG I purchased years back. Everything I use it on runs like a sewing machine. Thank you Sir for the subliminal suggestion! 4 likes
whitesnakehpc Own 2 Larue Rifles. Never had an issue with either. Mark knows his Sh$&. 5 likes
gavltron What is the recommendation for oil on my rifle ? 2 likes
  -  boxcarprovisions @gavltron Castrol 5w20 🤪 5 likes
  -  stillsaltyaf_ @gavltron Get you some EVOO first pressed👍 1 like
  -  laruetactical @gavltron ... Some 35 likes
  -  boxcarprovisions @ludwigvan_99 either. If you really want to get it good and juicy use some of that delo heavy weight. 1 like
  -  pewpewvette @boxcarprovisions Mobil1 works well too 3 likes
  -  bb4194 @laruetactical any and often!
  -  texan.right @gavltron my rifle likes lavender essential oil prior to every hunt or range visit. Not a single malfunction after the break in period. When it really needs energy I give the bcg a shot of MCT oil. Kidding aside I use Advanced Weapons Technology's "Extreme Force" after every deep clean and any typical aerosol gun oil if I feel the action isn't as smooth during shooting. Depending on the quality of the rounds I'm shooting I deep clean accordingly. I probably over clean it. 4 likes
  -  boxcarprovisions @pewpewvette Lucas makes a gun oil that I actually use. It's pretty good stuff 2 likes
  -  pewpewvette @boxcarprovisions Lucas or Slick for metal on metal, grease for storage, and Mobil1 for cleaning
  -  nolanquinn22 @gavltron coconut 1 like
  -  matthewclawges @boxcarprovisions it smells good too lol 1 like
  -  noenabernathy @pewpewvette slick as in slick 50? 1 like
  -  pewpewvette @noenabernathy Slip 2000. Damn autowreck 1 like
salerno1263 Amen Brother 1 like
salerno1263 And Idiots are born ever minuet and it's illegal to fix stupid 1 like
kandmblasting It's a case of GNNO - Gun needs new owner 13 likes
  -  cody.jack.22 @kandmblasting 😂 good one
t_kegs What?!?! Guns don't like to run dry? Mind blown! 1 like
jonwaynetaylor I host a weekly shoot at my place. Every single week someone shows up complaining something is wrong with their rifle because of malfunctions. They've never cleaned it, never oiled it. Can't figure out what's wrong. 8 likes
wenzel747 Should have pre required knowledge test before selling to barneys 1 like
tannerstacticalgunsmith Job security for me 😂 1 like
the_javan_way Send him a tiny bottle of Machine Gunners lube with a little love note on how to use it. 2 likes
amylynnwv Prolly never properly cleaned and oiled it, when he bought it. Or apparently anytime thereafter. 😂 1 like
mntman6969 You Are the Big Dog... 1 like
macevin678 Better mail it back with a stupidity charge 9 likes