... ☝ Sorry, that's the Androgel talking 😎
699 likesguns_and_meats_and_stuff Correction: a lot of places are hiring but don't want to pay. 10 likes
  -  laruetactical @guns_and_meats_and_stuff ... Meaning you'd like a company car to get to McDonald's 16 likes
  -  threepereaper68 @laruetactical this generation thinks they're entitled to $20hr starting wages , and that's just to look at their phone 😉 8 likes
  -  drickvalsky @laruetactical This is why I follow you! The rifle content is a bonus. 1 like
  -  thatthinbluelinetho @laruetactical that's the key... all these cry babies with masters degrees in under water basket weaving and cultural sensitivity expecting a 6 figure starting salary with benefits and seniority. @guns_and_meats_and_stuff do something that's worth it before stamping your feet about what the appropriate pay should be. 4 likes
  -  guns_and_meats_and_stuff @laruetactical Nah you got the wrong mindset. You need to come see how these people live and the effects of poverty on children. I was a police officer and now I'm a legal assistant and I've dealt with this issue locally. There's actually a fairly interesting @jordan.b.peterson documentary on YouTube about jobs and pay and in that he addresses the fact that we have a large subset of the population who's not intelligent enough to hold a job and it's a completely unaddressed problem. I mean the real reality of poverty and wages is that you can either pay people a real wage or you can make up for it in welfare which is largely what big corporations abuse. Not to mention crime rates among the poor are substantially higher and are disproportionately affected by drug and alcohol addictions which is a cycle that is repeated and again you end up paying for. 7 likes
  -  billicon520 @guns_and_meats_and_stuff No matter your situation at some point you and only you decide what kind of person you're going to be. You can decide to always be the victim or strive to be better. I know people that didn't have electricity or running water growing up that are now making 6 figures a year and they started digging potatoes picking tomatoes and stacking hay so the I'm poor or not intelligent is no excuse. Remember most of all if there were no ditch diggers we'd all be wading in shit.
  -  jesuspricesupastar @guns_and_meats_and_stuff correction a bunch life suckers fresh outta college with absolutely no experience or skills think they're entitled to top tier pay with out actually earning it and proving you're worthy of higher pay. Don't worry all the illegals they're bringing in are going to replace this lazy useless generation that I'm embarrass to even be apart of.
  -  m14lvr @guns_and_meats_and_stuff What is your proposed solution to make dumb people smart and poor people comfortable?
  -  biglarkd @laruetactical I do agree some people are far underpaid though. Guys in FL roofing in the summer for example deserve more than 15$ an hour.
  -  mike._.danker @threepereaper68 bro clearly you don't k know what inflation is but yeah fuck the Young kids am I right
  -  laruetactical @biglarkd ... "Deserve" has got nothing to do with nothing. An even playing field is called a "69" in the sack. That way neither side is being deprived of what the other is getting ... but that doesn't help speed up getting a roof shingled.
  -  threepereaper68 @mike._.danker the young ones do a good enough job fucking themselves , typically. Everyone has aching pussy syndrome and thin skin. As I can see in this post. Whom here do you think hasn't had to deal with inflation?
  -  threepereaper68 @mike._.danker if your not one of those I commend you.
  -  laruetactical @threepereaper68 ... They call in sick with the "my hair hurts" excuse 1 like
acee117 Out of 126 interviews scheduled in the last 4 months I've only had 40 show up for the interview, of those 40 we offered jobs to 36. 12 showed up for their first day of work.... this is for a well compensated position. People just don't want to work these days. 18 likes
  -  laruetactical @acee117 ... How many of those 12 stayed ? 8 likes
  -  acee117 @laruetactical good question, 6. 2 quit after a month, 4 were fired for job performance or attendance. 3 likes
  -  perez2021juan @acee117 Dang! 126 scheduled and netted 4. Here's to those 4 being keepers. 3 likes
  -  acee117 @perez2021juan they are studs and I am very grateful to have them. 4 likes
  -  chunkyhrvatski @acee117 pay more, if that's the case your wages aren't competitive 3 likes
  -  acee117 @chunkyhrvatski we are highest paid in the state for our field, and top 10% in the southeast. Unfortunately we can't justify higher pay. I'm sure with enough money thrown at it we could get people, but that applies anywhere. I'm sure a lot of people would quit their jobs and start flipping burgers for 100k+ a year. but no business model supports that. We've had people point blank tell us they were just applying so they could meet the requirements of their unemployment benefits. Hard to get people to work with they are incentivized to stay at home. 5 likes
  -  guns_and_meats_and_stuff @acee117 how much time elapsed from original application to call? How many had already found other jobs?
  -  acee117 @guns_and_meats_and_stuff no more than a week. For reference this is for one of the largest EMS agencies in the south. There is an industry (Fire/LE/EMS) wide labor shortage right now. It isn't just us.
  -  guns_and_meats_and_stuff @acee117 yeah I was an LEO but it seems emergency services is going the route many other places are taking. People get burnt out and it's a constant turnover of new people because places don't take care of the staff they have. 2 likes
  -  acee117 @guns_and_meats_and_stuff no argument from me amigo. The job is a grind for sure. 1 like
  -  legionpreparedness @acee117 it's too bad paramedic pay tops out at RN starting wage (at least in the Midwest). There no way most can make it on that. Only way I'd go EMT-P would be to go PA.C track. It's a shame too because EMS is hard work. This will only get worse when the government issues "universal income" & the digital token dollar. If you read great reset "literature" they plan for tertiary hospitals to go away as well as EMS. Healthcare will be an app on your phone & survival of the fittest. They definitely plan to cull the herd. 2 likes
  -  chunkyhrvatski @acee117 sounds like your business model isn't viable, what percentage of median cost of living in your area is the wage you pay after taxes? 1 like
bigredford2008 Can't go 20 feet here in Michigan without tripping over a help wanted sign. 2 likes
  -  chunkyhrvatski @bigredford2008 sounds like a lot of non-viable business models 3 likes
  -  chasinbassandbrass @bigredford2008 same here in Minnesota 1 like
ryan_thecarguy I had an open position, had a posting up on 7 different sights and have 16 applicants total. All got a call and an interview scheduled. 8 cancelled, 5 no showed (no call or anything) while 3 actually showed up. Of those 3, one was competent and he didn't show up for his first day. The entitlement of today's people is absolutely ridiculous 9 likes
  -  laruetactical @ryan_thecarguy ... Holy Duck !!! 1 like
  -  chasinbassandbrass @ryan_thecarguy I feel your pain... had to fill 20ish spots in a seasonal position that offers competitive pay, overtime and bonus potential. Our show rate for interviews was roughly 50% over the course of the year, and show rate for 1st day was about the same. Now I will say this, I have 10 or so employees that did start this year that were absolutely fantastic hires and will be great additions to the team for the foreseeable future. 1 like
spentbrasscasing I'm calling BS on the jobs availability. There are jobs. People are too picky and feel like they are owed an instant career. 11 likes
  -  plugwach @spentbrasscasing youre halfway right but as a college kid when i was looking around for a part time job it took 2 weeks to find someone to hire me. I literally was straight harassing small businesses/chains saying they were desperate for employees. Managers just really suck and can bitch all day about how they cant get help but cant do the 10 minutes of paperwork and possibly a drug test to hire someone. After talking to 8 businesses and filling out resumes i only had walmart and dollar general call me back a month later 1 like
  -  drickvalsky @plugwach god for it the first person not hire you on the second day of your search. Nothing about what you said seems out of the ordinary. Maybe only Walmart and dollar gen found you as a potential fit. Shit is always on someone else. 2 likes
  -  plugwach @drickvalsky i got hired on the spot by a seperate place than those two but believe me im 22 ive looked for any job i could get 4 times in my life all the people who say they are hiring are never motivated and you can go in there 10 times and everytime theyll say you seem like a great fit ill call you when i have time for an interview 2 likes
  -  plugwach @drickvalsky then they never call... Ive worked for walmart once and the other 3 were local stuff usually construction but its alot harder than you would think with the now hiring signs everywhere 2 likes
  -  spentbrasscasing @plugwach I don't know you, and obviously have no inside information on your situation, but I can tell you from experience that if they truly need someone, and you are capable in their mind, they will follow through. Usually when you get interviewed and they don't call you it's because they don't t want you. Another thing, to your point, most employers don't have the balls to tell you to your face that you're not a good fit. They say they will call you with no real intentions of doing so. I have been interviewing at least 1-2 people per week for quite some time and I try real hard to at least give some decent advice to these people that are not a good fit. I am looking for tradesmen and I shoot them straight unless they are straight up bad (or piss me off) and then I just thank them for their time and end the interview 1 like
  -  plugwach @spentbrasscasing applied 2 hardware stores never call me when i had never met the managers but gone in several times, they both had 10+ positions open, and i had 8 months working with a carpenter on my resume who wouldve talked great about me. Its like yall are desperate and these are high school jobs that require no experience. Theyre just lazy 2 likes
c_n_w_outdoors I pass a fully able dude sitting on a corner every day, asking for money. He's been there for the last year. Business he sits in front of literally have help wanted signs in their windows. It makes no sense. 2 likes
brian_landgraf Yea, I know a lot of businesses that hang help wanted signs for their health lol. Willing to bet a lot of this guys problems are caused by other people. 3 likes
glocktomus9 Single-handedly managed the successful upgrade and deployment of new environmental illumination system with zero cost overruns and zero safety incidents. 2 likes
  -  stlonon @glocktomus9 ha. A lightbulb. Funny 1 like
  -  glocktomus9 @stlonon I'm a hard worker 1 like
shorebillybruce I want to work for LaRue when I get home
elijah_david_516 My 17 year old has two jobs... What your excuse? 1 like
hovistodd It really amazing how many places are hiring but only on line. Well maybe not really surprising. Not one had a fiscal employment application . Haven't had to apply for job for a long time since I was pretty much self employed.
dustykirschmann I would work for you in a heartbeat if you need someone remote :)
mitchellranches There's always a shortage of fence builders
gsprague I've been trying to hire for CNC Swiss Setup / operators for over a year. Not much here in the northeast either
  -  chunkyhrvatski @gsprague pay a higher wage then 5 likes
josh.macintyre 😂
jonwaynetaylor If anyone want to dig post holes I'm always hiring. I'll supply the rock bar but you'll need to bring your own coffee can. 1 like
windsoc_1911 But I have a degree in ocular rectosis... I have to do what I paid tens of thousands of dollars for a worthless degree. Waisted 3-4 years of my life, and don't really want to work in the first place... this is the problem with society..
  -  windsoc_1911 @windsoc_1911 and half of them can't decide which bathroom to use or what they are " Identifying " as this week. 1 like
  -  windsoc_1911 @windsoc_1911 for any of you wondering what ocular rectosis could possibly be... a condition where the muscles in you eyes and your A$$ cross and you get a real Shi#ty outlook on life.. 1 like
  -  laruetactical @windsoc_1911 ... You do realize you are hashtagging yourself in your posts ??? 2 likes
arizona_twelve_sixtysix It's the "great resignation" crap. Seems to be a generation defining moment or some garbage like that. Some day this gravy train is going to come to a dead stop. Then, and only then, we will see what people are made out of. Something is coming. I don't know what exactly but it's no surprise how many non hackers we've produced that managed to get this far. It will be some well defining moment that separates real men from whatever the F many are being praised as "brave". Yeah, it's coming. It'll make this whole "Great Recession" "great resignation" and Covid BS look like a joke. You know, only have to look at history to see it's happened several times in the past. Why would it be different?
  -  laruetactical @arizona_twelve_sixtysix ... My only concern is we've allowed so many sleeper cells right in our midst, that when the train stops and we start in on each other, they will hold the gates for an invasion while we're all at each other's throats.
travismcnerlin I know where I work, they've been trying to hire people for the same job I do, paying really good money for central PA- probably one of the best jobs without going to be a prison guard, unless you've got an MD or PHD after your name..... and they can't find anyone. No one wants to do it. Another guy just texted me today, who does the same kind of work in a warehouse setting..... if he goes to work an entire 40 hr week, he gets a $200 bonus, if he works all week and OT, he gets a 500 bonus. People just dont want to work
pewpainter I find statements like this funny. I changed careers 12 yrs ago and just got a job offer going back to what I loved doing but had to stop to make sure I could provide for my family. Tons of places are hiring most just think they're too good to be a truck driver or work in a trade. Sometimes you have to make sacrifices.
harrystetser The American work ethic seems to have died recently.
aaronjaetii A while back I was unemployed and I applied to over 150 different positions for which I was qualified or even overqualified. I received responses from about a dozen of them only to see the same jobs posted a month later. Many of these hiring personnel just won't respond. That's not the fault of people who are looking for jobs.
unsalted_amphibian You get what you deserve; if you don't like what you're getting, deserve better. I've been getting calls and emails weekly from recruiters just based on my half-assed, incomplete LinkedIn page, and I'm not even looking right now.
texan.right Our company can't get enough decent applicants. To the point that my director just made the comment that he thinks the economy must be so hot that the good people are getting snatched up early. I don't think that's the case tho. Half the new college grads I know are still living at home for some reason 🤷 either they aren't applying or they aren't applying at the right places
  -  chunkyhrvatski @texan.right "Half the new college grads I know are still living at home"
All adjusted for inflation:
Median wage 1970: $21.20/hr Median wage 2020: $23.65/hr
Median home price 1970: $172,231 Median home price 2020: $341,212 2 likes
  -  texan.right @chunkyhrvatski there's such a thing as taking a job and paying rent for a few years while you build a career. The kids I'm referring to have been out of school for nearly a year. Maybe my company is an anomaly, but we're definitely paying more than $23/hr straight out of school. More like $33. I'm not discounting disparity, but idle hands don't make a dime and are the devils playground.
willimac11 They're hiring, just not dumbasses that show up to an interview in shorts, Baseball hat and sunglasses, smelling like weed
jesuspricesupastar No they just aren't hiring people with no experience bud.
coreypeterson59 @laruetactical got any of them remote work jobs? I'd love to work for you but don't wanna move to Texas, Utah is kinda fun. 😂
therifleman10 @laruetactical I was wondering if you would hire me? I have a PhD. Not the one you are thinking of, mines a post hole digger. 1 like