... This virgin 16" 5.56 barrel put the first 3 bullets shot through it into a 0.130" 3-shot group at 100 yards. I put the question mark (in parentheses) on there because the 3-shot group happened to be in the scotch tape that holds the paper target on. Measuring groups shot through tape is a bit more of a challenge. Soooo, now those "5-shot groups or nothing non-reloading accuracy experts" can wade in and tell us why the first 3 shots fired out of that 16" virgin barrel (0.130" group) tells us nothing, means nothing, and can't be relied on for nothing 😎 ML
235 likesesqphoto It would be a great rifle if you were being attacked by tape. 😂😂 I can't believe people are still worried about 3, 5, or 10 shots. Get over it chums. These rifles can shoot! 1 like
aggressivesquirrelartandstuff 1st round is the most important round anyway... Otherwise you're adjusting your point of aim anyway which makes grouping a mute point...No?? 🙌
hembreejake Good shooting!