... Still finding nice things sent to me for Christmas. Here Black Label Armory had their good friends in Waco make me up 3 very unique candles. Too cool for school :-) ML
497 likeswajaques Just ordered my first MBT last night! Can't wait to install it. 2 likes
  -  the_judo_variant @wajaques you won't be disappointed. I've never had anything other than mil-spec. I didn't know what I was missing. Seriously. 1 like
  -  wajaques @ronin_judoka that seems to be the concensus I'm finding. There's a lot of good word of mouth for @laruetactical on the internet. 1 like
the_judo_variant Can I get their info? I'd really like them to make a candle for my MBT-2S case that smells like Hoppes 9.
  -  gfod_nosleep_tx_ @ronin_judoka pm me for Zenful Expressions info. You can also follow us on facebook "Zenful Expressions" @zenful_expressions 1 like
abroken11b Do they smell like Hoppes #9 or burnt powder? 1 like
dadofthreee Scented in Dillo Dust, Competition Tears, and Freedom. Collect the whole set!
gunmaniausa @blacklabelarmory is good people. 1 like
hartmandef_ceo ML I just got mine in yesterday and it is freaking sweet. Thanks for making a great product. Also the extra goodies were fantastic. My wife when she found out the dillo was an ornament as well, she was all over it.
freakinout Perfect gift
freakinout Bourbon vanilla would be solid 2 likes
gfod_nosleep_tx_ @zenful_expressions we have some products on here and Follow our facebook page as well ZENFUL EXPRESSIONS for full scents list and info.
phil.thompson.140 That's cool!
tonyleal84 The new Burnt Powder scent. Excellent gift!
amylynnwv I'm down for a burnt powder scent 🤤
ewdeters I hope one smells like Hoppes #9
josh.sedlock What a great idea. May be time to repurpose some of mine.