... Somebody suggested we have a barrel sale 🤷 ML
1,463 likesa_aurioles34 ...308 barrels would be damn nice 4 likes
radiac_svcs Merry Christmas to Team LaRue. Thanks for a great year! I need a 16" 308 for my UU gun!! Thanks! 12 likes
  -  burlster24 I approve this post! #metoo 2 likes
ckuykendall81 Definitely want the UU kits again. Bought 4 of your lowers last year for them 13 likes
  -  charliesclones @ckuykendall81 check out the upper build kits. 😍
  -  ckuykendall81 @charliesclones no large frame kits available 2 likes
  -  charliesclones @ckuykendall81 aha. ✅
sbash001 Is there any way to tell what's in stock? 5 likes
kos_mod_ Wait till February. I need to get the money together.... C-can you hold one for me?
  -  hurr_durr_derp @kos_mod_ seriously.... you have to wait until your tax return? 1 like
  -  joelac89 @kos_mod_ if you need a month to get 250, a new barrel shouldn't be a priority 2 likes
  -  kos_mod_ @joelac89 budgets are a thing. I have 5 other projects to fund. Buy barrel now, AK build gets delayed :) 1 like
arconcepts911 How are those 6mm ARC barrels coming along? Throw that in a UU and send it🔥 5 likes
  -  craigthomas4699 @arconcepts911 I'd buy one first day. 1 like
  -  perez2021juan @arconcepts911 is ML gonna make 6mm ARC? 1 like
  -  arconcepts911 @perez2021juan he made a 16" one back in November and shot a .22, I would like to add it to my 20" Rainer one
charliesclones So, I would not have guessed that LT had that many barrels on hand. Impressive. The only proper thing to do is reduce stock before it needs to be counted on Dec 31st 🤷 2 likes
fohtmoon Thank you for making 6.5C barrels available for the predatOBR. I've been waiting 5 years for one and now I have it. I bought a 308 toolbox in 2014. Best rifle I ever purchased. 1 like
matt_c_era Will you ever consider a MGU in 762/308 or any calibers other than the current 556 and 6.5G since youre not doung the UUK anymore? 2 likes
christopher.massey.56 I had always guessed barrels were your production constraint. Guess I was wrong!
kodiak_precision Looks just right to me...
jbenji49 308 upper please 5 likes
mpcohagan When does this sale happening?? Didn't see an email or anything on the site
fohtmoon Please make an XTRAN rail in MLOK!!!🔥🔥🔥 1 like
jkedsnake 20" 6.5 Grendel would be nifty. 3 likes
flyby1971 Hold on a couple weeks. My CC would appreciate the rest. Billing cycles and all.
texash17 Any of them going to be 6.5G barrels? 1 like
zero_lash Inventory tax be steep this year.... 1 like
tcfawley Where's the twisted ones 🥨?
lostlike_nemo Sell some full uppers 8 likes
_schrambo_ UU kits please!
jhardy338 That and a handguard sale and you can count me in!!
bennymilewski 11.5" PredatOBR please 1 like
tannrkramer 308 uppers would be nice!
_esstac Let me order a Siete with a 260 and .308 barrel. Have all .260, don't need a 6.5 creed
redoak.sooner Most definitely. Love to have a 11.5" .300BLK barrel for the .308SURG adapter I just got, if you ever decide to pump a few more out. Or just a full SURG barrel combo in .300BLK even.
thatbeng February pls. My wallet needs time to recover brother.
plata_o_plomo_tc Better not be teasing any obr original 6.5creedmoor barrels
brittzter13 Time for a barrel of fun!
jb__hunt I need a fast twist 300 1 like
joshhalfmann I'd like a barrel sale!
mrtonypic Looking forward to it!
awilliams30808 I'm game....what ya got that I can't live with out???
olddollarbill 20", 1:7, 223, fattest profile you make, please
ahaley1775 Ooh, I'd love a 12" 300 BO and a 6.5 Grendel.
cmkstewart I was gonna suggest a give-away...
fireman4180 Nah, I don't think you'll have enough to spare.
csolstice032018 That is a fantastic idea!
grommettaz My 308 is about burned out...please do
croakvan Roll out the barrels...
drewster_001_ Yes please!
perez2021juan Let's rock!
vrspuds509 Yes!!!!!!!!!!!
accuracy1st Hahahaha 1 like
icecoldmn I'll take a 308 barrel for my siete if you have a extra🔥
rufus33rd I also need a .308, 16"
golem1965 I was disappointed I didn't get a Dilio with my rear sight order 😢
iviark5 Have a barrel sale
defensesolutionsllc 😝😝
will.a.chambers Do it! I need a PredatAR barrel for a build 😉
texaswitt_ranchesforsale 🏃💨
jessys762 Do it!
s.weatherby 338 Federal for my PredatOBR?
katori_actual When 3 likes
kick_rocks_mother_fuker Tight
lone_star_tactical @laruetactical so are barrels on sale? 4 likes
perez2021juan @laruetactical did I hear something about a barrel sale? 👀
bravo_929 how are those 12" 556 A3 barrels coming along ? i need my 🔥 @laruetactical 😎
jarretthale2002 @laruetactical barrel sale? Most excellent! Keeping my eyes peeled...