Pose of the day: EOtech vudu 5-25 scope, Marines' LaRue SSDS mount, and a RAPTAR ES rangefinder. 🔥 Semper Fi, my youngest daughter has signed on to the Marines and that makes me a proud Dad. ML #larue #laruetactical #precisionrifles #gunsofinstagram #semperfi
953 likesmulticam_quilts Raised right.
hkhombre Just too bad she won't be using a LaRue rifle!
  -  mckeonekert @hkhombre She has. See the Accuracy One catalog this year for the story. 1 like
  -  hkhombre @mckeonekert I meant as her rifle in the military.
  -  laruetactical @hkhombre it will have a LaRue optic mount and a Larue bipod on it ;-) 3 likes
  -  petespinks @laruetactical I wish my issued rifle had a LaRue mount... I had one originally but my RCO broke and now I have a TA51 mount. Semper Fi, your daughter made a great choice!
leeengland Semper Fi. My 21 yr old son just got home from a deployment just in time for Christmas. It was a great present. 4 likes
jcamanche Semper Fi! 🤘 1 like
sephth Congratulations to you and your daughter!! 1 like
ozgood03 Sounds like the Corps is getting another great gift from LaRue! Welcome to the family!!! 2 likes
81tactical Congratulations to you, your daughter and your family. She will make y'all proud. My brother is a Marine through and through, kinda wish I would've went The Marine route instead too 2 likes
terryccason 👍
cpl0313 Cheers Mark, you should be one proud Pop. From this Marine to your future one. Semper Fi!!!
j._gunz I wouldn't recommend the Marine Corps to any female. As a former Marine, I just don't feel that they'll be given the respect they deserve. I have two daughters. If either expressed an interest in the military, I'd recommend the Air Force. Sorry, @marines. I still love you though. #semperfi
  -  laruetactical @j._gunz ... Google "LaRue daughter elk" 3 likes
  -  j._gunz @laruetactical, I don't know what that means. 🤭
  -  tay_1us @j._gunz you are entitled to your opinion, but that was a totally inappropriate comment after Mark Larue posted how proud he was of his daughter. Btw, this Marine doesn't accept your lame ass apology! 1 like
  -  j._gunz @tay_1us, @laruetactical SHOULD be proud of her....and I would never apologize to YOU. I wasn't talking to, nor about you. I was relating my experience in the Corps. Your experience is yours, mine is mine. I don't feel like WMs get the respect they deserve in the Marines.
  -  laruetactical @j._gunz My dad retired as a submariner - he would have said "Sumbitch don't know how to act." 2 likes
  -  j._gunz @laruetactical, my dad was also a bubblehead, 22 years in the silent service. 👍
divingdriver Congrats!!!!
storman_67 Congratulations 🎊
david_knoch @laruetactical, big congratulations to you and your daughter. I'm proud that she'll be keeping our family safe. Quick question, you using the MD3 or H59 reticle on the Vudu? 3 likes
  -  laruetactical @david_knoch ... That one has the H59 in it. 3 likes
storman_67 Mark, how do you like that optic?
softie70 Again. I'm here again