This was my guy back in the '90s. Those of you that get to grab a shotgun and let a bird dog out of your truck in the next few days ... Hie on! ML #larue #wirehairedpointinggriffon #mansbestfriend #dogsofinstagram
576 likesdanoc333 @laruetactical funny you mention this. Just had my pudelpointer pointing out quail yesterday and will have my Larue Grendel out tomorrow pointing at deer. Love this time of year! 1 like
governorperry Verified Dutch's daddy!!! 5 likes
hillviewfarmpollok Brings back some of my best Christmas memories. Dad and I would take our 2 setters out for a quail hunt on the farm every year after Christmas breakfast unless it was Sunday. Good times.
fireclean Merry Christmas Mark and @laruetactical
homesteadingonthegrid My favorite dog to watch hunt. 💗
realmda13 Merry Christmas ML and dog friends. Enjoy the next couple days before getting back to work, I know I will!
collins9678 Is that a Larue Tactical shotgun .... Just dreaming .... I am looking for a nice over/under shotgun !
wjones45 Merry Christmas!
mckeonekert Those were some great hunts!
johnbmanning Ruger Red Label?
mckeonekert Good thing Ronnie Tugent gave us permission!
mckeonekert Did on Saturday & killed 6 roosters.