... Every year I get some interesting Christmas gifts from customers ... this one is pure natural art from the Turkey Crest Farm in Madison, Virginia. Honeybee Elbow Grease ;-) ML
343 likesjeepinnva Many good products come from Virginia, but not as good as yours! Merry Christmas Mark!
michaelpetrusek Maybe they're expecting a new OBR under the tree or something.. 1 like
  -  laruetactical @michaelpetrusek ... It was a thank you for the continued Christmas dillos :-) 4 likes
chrigfs_koutrd Break out the biscuits!
wfodave I thought it was moonshine before I read the label.
mckeonekert My dad was an apiarist. I extracted 250,000 pounds of honey as my summer job.
  -  laruetactical @mckeonekert ... Apiarist - word of the day :-) 2 likes
mikenotgonnagetit I am a huge honey junkie. Picked up some africanized bee (killer bee) honey not long ago and dear god I'm loving that something fierce