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503 likespatrick.a.johnson314 I just picked up mine from the FFL. Cool to have such a low serial. I will at least say it was under 300. LOOKS BADASS!! 1 like
- extremelongranger @patrick.a.johnson314 20/day starting November 1....if yours was done....say on the 10th of this month, that should be serial 800-820, given or take. Yes, yes I'm pissed that mine won't be here by Christmas, and based on the data that's out there....I'm within a dozen order numbers of people who already have theirs.
- laruetactical @extremelongranger ... What pray tell is thouest order number ? ML 1 like
- patrick.a.johnson314 @extremelongranger Mine was 1053976
- extremelongranger @laruetactical last four are above 3976 and below 4030
- laruetactical @extremelongranger ... Odd response. Oh well, maybe you really do have an order number 🤷
- extremelongranger @laruetactical I really do. I also have an OBR and a PredatOBR (both large frame). And I was part of your beta test group for the MBT SS. You think I just hang around here bitching about unmet promises? I defended you vigorously on arfcom against some real dummies, but who were right about the delivery date.
- laruetactical @extremelongranger ... ARFcom ? Oh yeah, I heard I'm still payin' for a banner over there 🤷
- mtcrain2 @laruetactical his order number is 1054483..any update for the poor guy?😂
- laruetactical @mtcrain2 .. Not from in front of my fireplace 🔥
- laruetactical @patrick.a.johnson314 ... Did both boxes make it in good shape ?
- patrick.a.johnson314 @laruetactical Perfect. Although, my FFL at first apologized that it had come without a buttstock and bolt 😂
- laruetactical @patrick.a.johnson314 ... Kept them from pawing through your stuff 😎
- patrick.a.johnson314 @laruetactical 😂😂
- laruetactical @patrick.a.johnson314 ... Have you got a NightForce ready to slap on it ?
- patrick.a.johnson314 @laruetactical Probably going with EOTech VUDU 5x25. About a grand cheaper, but I have used one and it is nice. Any chance you can add some to the site?
- laruetactical @patrick.a.johnson314 ... Not easily ... glass lead times are atrocious
daryllgremillion Once you release that you can get both barrels 16" length (6.5,308) consider mine ordered.
- laruetactical @daryllgremillion ... 17", 20", 23", and 26"
- daryllgremillion @laruetactical 17"???
- daryllgremillion @laruetactical where is that option
- daryllgremillion @laruetactical don't leave me hanging... when do we expect the 17inchers!
patrick.a.johnson314 And, it will be worth the wait. I was on the early QT list. 1 like
kevin.mcglothlin.078 1054001 is my order number and it shipped today!!!! 3 likes
- skylined21 @kevin.mcglothlin.078 I'm about 20k behind yours 😣 lol
- kevin.mcglothlin.078 @skylined21 well mine is lost in Ups...😮
- skylined21 @kevin.mcglothlin.078 nooo... dude. I hope everything gets sorted for you quickly, that sucks.
- kevin.mcglothlin.078 @skylined21 I'm hoping it's just the weather and it will be delivered tomorrow. 1 like
- laruetactical @kevin.mcglothlin.078 ... Not all of it ... Action/chassis goes to FFL ... rest goes direct to you
- kevin.mcglothlin.078 @laruetactical yes sir I am the FFL. We had a snow and ice Ups is tracking it
- laruetactical @kevin.mcglothlin.078 ... Trackin' it ? Or tracking them ?
- kevin.mcglothlin.078 @laruetactical it's stuck in Nashville Ups is suppose to track it on their end and see what's going on
redoak.sooner Awesome boat work 1 like
josh.macintyre 🔥🔥🔥👏 1 like
shoot2live_ @laruetactical my order number is between 0 and 10,000... can you tell me when mine will be here. It is important I know