Introducing LaRue Slickatinny (TM) series Handguard - first shots fired in my new World War HG !! Coming soon ... there will be several lengths available, all based off this motif. Slickatinny (TM), you read it here first. 🔥 ML #slickatinny #larue #laruetactical #precisionrifles #behindthescenes #howitsmade #gunsofinstagram #deadcenterofprecision
988 likesozgood03 STFU and take my frickin money!!!
mjaws117 @pjaws0613 @jpkearns10 @minga001 1 like
arc1642 I dig it!
joeythec02 That is a great looking hand guard sir!!! Very aesthetically pleasing!!!!!
heytonyman I'm interested, tho the pic you posted on Dec 9th had me more turned on than the smooth sided option. 2 likes
  -  laruetactical @heytonyman WWHG - World War HG will see a variety of new and competitive LaRue-made handguards 3 likes
  -  heytonyman @laruetactical Good to know. I'll keep my eyes peeled.
sardude1911 Love them! May just have to break down and switch a couple of my original Stealth out. Now..... how about some 15" for my Stealth 2.0!? 😉 1 like
jack_haber 👍🏻 Suh-weeeeeetttt
jameshull71 I love it!
bangsquadactual @mikemaynejr
mpcohagan Wish it mounted a little more cleanly like a KAC or BCM. 1 like
jfpvh Perfection Mr. LaRue. If I wasn't going through cancer treatment and unemployed now I can't afford a free glass of water. I would Order one tomorrow in 12" If it was anyway possible. just asking could I use the existing hardware from the stealth 10" Real that I have on a rifle now
nomad_extraordinare Lol. I literally did this to one of your rails last year. 1 like
guntherprussing Nice 💪
justn84 Cool.
mayorofriverbluffrd I like that! Great name as well! 1 like
buddyjay Keymods on the bottom and it's perfection
wtdssmith3159 Is it G-String drop tested. 😂 1 like
afi454 @jake_wedmore
  -  jake_wedmore @afi454 that's clean
2aguy Any plans to make a slickatiny with the top rail slick as well? For those of us that only want a front flip up and no other attachments?
redoak.sooner Yes please
shqype_ Looks slick. @michael_camaj
ozgood03 @laruetactical are the new rails going to be available in all lengths, like 11.0?
sephth @laruetactical Ultimate Upper kit compatibility por favor
mbaggett88 Oh wow!!
charliejenney Will you make one for my predatOBR?
tbrooksbrown Need 🔥
mr_fullmetal @laruetactical could this be available for an ultimate upper build option? 1 like
seany_utah I love it 😍
tlbailey1 Possible to machine a qd hole up front 9:00? Future model maybe?
4gordonwagner Perfect. Can I get one for a 20" A2?
esr_3343 Might have to definitely build another rifle. 🤤
esr_3343 Big bore compatible? 458 SOCOM to be specific.
droo_54 Pls make one with an fsb cutout 🧡🧡 1 like
texas_tote_em That's amazing
longrangesurfer So cool!
johnsmith6073 Artistically, those flats need some work. Thats a nice way of saying theyre asthetically displeasing .
  -  laruetactical @johnsmith6073 To each his own. ML 2 likes
  -  stillsaltyaf_ @laruetactical I think they look great
akscott60 That is slim and sexy
multicam_quilts Well that's sexy.
divingdriver Cool Mark!
7.62_nato But mloks 2 likes
jongagne00 Will there be a mlok version? 3 likes
  -  laruetactical @jongagne00 Don't touch that dial ! 13 likes
d_vazquez56 Kinda looks like the KAC URX 3.1 sans mounting points 2 likes
jjmax1776 Love my mbt from the great trigger war of 2018. 2 likes