Bucket list ✅ BAM! 💥 In one day, we filled 2 UPS trucks, back-to-back! ML #larue #laruetactical #teamworkmakesthedreamwork #merrychristmas #behindthescenes #gunsofinstagram #deadcenterofprecision
916 likes_esstac Mark, you didn't have to send me so many presents! I swear mine to you is "in the mail"
mikenotgonnagetit And some of that is coming to me! Stoked!!
mac_daddy62 Some of my stuff is in that pile I bet 👍 1 like
mesooohoppy Ups driver gramming: "yeah Mark and I go way back, were basically best friends". 2 likes
multicam_quilts 😳 1 like
texian1836 Does that mean the seven weeks I've been waiting on my magazines that would be delivered in three weeks are on the way
  -  realmda13 @texian1836 2 weeks
packers412q Mmmm looks like heaven 1 like
saylor I hope you got your regular UPS guy a present!
qoreperformance Impressive! 👊🏻u s
agw_fl Damn!!!!!!
bierman7 Does that mean the shirts I ordered on thanksgiving and paid extra for faster shipping will come in? Doubt it cause it says back ordered. And no they didn't tell me it was back ordered I had to look it up myself after seeing the charge on my account and realizing I hadn't received it yet...
  -  aperalez81 @bierman7 you not the only one... same here with pew pew 4 life shirts... still waiting. 🧐
  -  bierman7 @aperalez81 I should have learned from previous purchases from them... always takes way longer then is listed on their site. Hence why I have been hesitant to purchase more go bang parts from them.
_nickgardner my MBT is in there but any idea when APEG grip and buffer tube will be back in stock?
ampitts42 @laruetactical Mark, if an MLOK handguard comes out for the UU AR10, will we be able to swap it with the existing UU AR10 Keymod handguard?
austinjonesangler Mine shipped today!
windowsrolleddown Nice job, Mark!
lovettledger Got my UU today! Just waiting on the lower 🙁 1 like
jdg0707 When are y'all shipping triggers?
  -  laruetactical @jdg0707 You're lookin' at a metric sh*t ton. 6 likes
eastsideriversnake Received my MBT-2S today ordered on 12-2 order #687967 if this helps anyone. Thanks Mark looks badass can't wait to try it out!
  -  josh_goes_pewpew @eastsideriversnake youll love it, i have 3... of course none were $87 tho... yet
josh_goes_pewpew Right on!!! 1 like
mclfarmsnm Maybe a .224 suurg?
freedom_fwtx Are any of those the lowers we've been waiting on!???! @laruetactical
jdg0707 Guess I'm zeroing my rifle without my LaRue trigger!!
mckeonekert Great work!
stooby34 I'll be ordering my MBT tonight or tomorrow! I need to make sure I get in on this sale!
wfodave I hope my triggers are on that truck!
tpapaleo9 🤯 1 like
81tactical Niiiice...looks like my second MBT is on it's way!👍👊🔥🔥🔥
evelsmokebbq I think you killed the UPS man. 2 likes
shark13371773 whats the weight limit on those trucks?
sardude1911 West bound and down!! 🎵🎶🎵u s
julsbieniek Awesome!
joeyshoe Come to papa!
toolndie7 That's awesome man! u s 💪
divingdriver Keep em coming!!
robhlong67 But yet my MBT-2S trigger is backordered! 😔
el.rojo.45 🎅 would be proud!!
josh.macintyre That UPS guy has the best route in town! 🔥 2 likes
pasha.meredith Awesome! I think I see my package 🙌