... Crime doesn't always pay 🤷 ... ML
1,367 likestubefitter61 Love me a happy ending. 1 like
hughes_waterfowl_systems I love good stories with happy endings. 3 likes
legionpreparedness Facts: it takes 9-50 minutes nationwide for police to respond IF they respond, which by their own post-ruins policies often no longer do. And criminals know it. Fun fact: home invasions, rapes, sexual assaults, and burglaries increased dramatically in Australia after gun buyback programs were inacted. Suicide rates did not change, they simply switched to hanging. 4 likes
- laruetactical @legionpreparedness ... ☝ Can we take all that to the bank ? 3 likes
230grainhardball Grady Judd, G.O.A.T. indeed! Put him in as the FBI director. He'd separate the wheat from the chaff in no time. 6 likes
- todd_t1 @230grainhardball 👏 Grady is no nonsense! 1 like
- bradtully7 @230grainhardball I'm up in Tallahassee but love his "Eat Shit take names!" He will tell you to make sure you kill 'em to lighten our paperwork.... 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
that_cableguy Ame to that
triclydeguy Sheriff Judd is a legend in these parts! https://www.kaylorlaw.com/blog/2018/02/the-outspoken-sheriff-grady-judd/
the_dsully Grady the 🐐 4 likes
hillbillychub My hometown sheriff! Proud to say I helped elect him to his first term. 6 likes
- karlepayne @hillbillychub Well done 2 likes
midwest_jeepguy.bu Amen 👍us
harrystetser Grady is a savage. Glad he is in the county next to mine
pawpawlammy Just handed out free boosters!
c.medvetz Right now I love living in Fl. But we have a LOT of jerks from libtard states moving here. I just hope they don't ruin our state. 2 likes
williamson77777 He's the one that said when asked why there were so many police shots fired,"cause some people are just evil and evil needs to be stopped dead!" 2 likes
wpatertr @laruetactical not true. I offer all criminals a one time lump sum payment...in copper and lead 😎 2 likes