... Anybody know what a "Higby" is ? 😎
268 likesicecoldmn Thread starter? I just picked up my nightforce for the siete I'm waiting on. Looks like 2023 will be a great year 3 likes
ohutch207 Machined navy nuclear parts for quite some time. Damn straight I do
  -  ohutch207 @ohutch207 and that isn't a "real" higbee. But it serves the same purpose. Can do em with a Groove tool on a Cnc traditional lathe and rapids at max 😜
lashlaruesc Yeah, I believe it's a cut to line up threads. Fire hose uses them so we can line up and couple hose in low light and/ or with gloves. 2 likes
edronq Are your triggers still on backorder? 1 like
  -  laruetactical @edronq ... This week our LaRue Trigger shop sent 1,500 triggers over to our catalog store to ship out ... 'bout the same for the past few weeks ... this week's mix was 1,100 straight and 400 curved. Pretty sure the curved are not backordered. 3 likes
  -  edronq @laruetactical, just eager to get my straight trigger that I ordered
  -  perez2021juan @laruetactical that's a lotta trigger sir!
  -  titan_rook @laruetactical More triggers than a Liberal convention. 1 like
tadacad even more fun in a living tooling lathe :)
pewpewvette Had hoped to see a Siete Christmas dillo this year, no go?
nate050618 Higbee indicator - used on fire hose to align threads and prevent cross threading, and also be able to easily be able to couple fire hose together in no light like in a fire.
sumziandi Google is amazing...Removal of the first (i.e., outside) thread of a female or male coupling to prevent crossing or mutilation of threads. Dimpled rocker lug on female coupling indicates beginning of Higbee Cut. 1 like
rufus33rd that's a nice higby right there 1 like
  -  laruetactical @rufus33rd ... 😎
wildbill_hancock Shit, at first I thought it said 'Rigby' and I was confused and yet excited and my pants got tight
zerorifleworx It's a flat on the beginning of thread pitch for easy engagement
stumpwso Higby was the department store in A Christmas Story
realmda13 Anyone have any older shot Dillos or Dillo lots they'd sell?
txspinylizard Yes
aziroc @laruetactical sorry as I'm sure it's been asked, but any chance a 300prc version/barrel will be avaialble ?