... Grrr, I'm tasked with having to proof-group thirty 16" OBRs ... going to a some pipehitters on the U.S. Gov't's payroll. ML
853 likestxpanhandle Damn...taking away from your picture taking...
74eric1 That's gonna be 30 happy shooters
treylillich Deliver a few to my place along with some ammo and I will shoot them for you!
4rbrandt 3-0-Hate?
b_darin @bryrgrew take me with you
gunscompanyarm 👍
theodorewise mark, "pipehitter" means a person addicted to crack 3 likes
  -  laruetactical @theodorewise ... No it doesn't. It means guys that are just as happy whackin' your happy ass with a piece of lead pipe in hand-to-hand than stomping the door in and droppin' you with an M4. ML 17 likes
  -  thiswildadventure @laruetactical lmao #gotem 1 like
  -  mranderson6 @laruetactical while I agree that this is the accepted version these days...the original reference is from pulp fiction and does refer to crack heads who were willing to commit a murder 2 likes
  -  miggidymurph @laruetactical Mark over here dropping hip pocket classes
  -  theodorewise @laruetactical no, mark. that's a misunderstanding from ignorant people who saw Pulp Fiction and didn't know the actual meaning of the phrase.
  -  laruetactical @mranderson6 ... and "the hashtag" used be "the pound sign" ... try to keep up - ML 17 likes
  -  theodorewise @laruetactical it always meant crack addict, mark. the definition doesn't change because a bunch of people who never left the suburbs thought it sounded cool.
  -  manning_motorsports @theodorewise it hasn't always meant crack addict, it means the same as a heavy hitter and has been around probably before crack was. Lol
  -  theodorewise @manning_motorsports lol it has always meant drug addict, but go off
  -  manning_motorsports @theodorewise nah it hasn't, they've been saying that much longer than crack smokers been around.
  -  theodorewise @manning_motorsports nah, but whatever makes you feel better.
  -  manning_motorsports @theodorewise its just facts man, not my fault you're unfamiliar with it.
  -  theodorewise @manning_motorsports lol dude, you're just wrong. it's time to hang it up. stop repeating wrong things.
  -  nickfiderius @theodorewise how many @laruetactical rifles and/or parts/accessories do you own? Or just here to talk 80s and 90s street drugs? Many words, many definitions. For instance, Just because you don't wear makeup doesn't mean you're not a clown. 🤡 1 like
  -  manning_motorsports @theodorewise your entire time frame is wrong, you obviously have no idea of any history if you think pipehitter came from drug addicts using crack. 😂
  -  theodorewise @nickfiderius a ton. how about you?
  -  theodorewise @manning_motorsports nah, it did. you're just in denial. this is as straightforward as "clip" being used incorrectly to describe a magazine, but you've heard it used wrong so much you got fooled.
  -  manning_motorsports @theodorewise they've been using that word since the italian mafia wars, 😂😂 jesus you're ignorant.
  -  nickfiderius @theodorewise oh you know, I've got a pretty wicked bushmaster and a hi point hand cannon, that's all. a ton? Pretty descriptive number. Too many to count? So you give "a ton" of money to ML and troll him, seems like an interesting approach. 1 like
  -  shane_crusade @theodorewise A terminology often used to categorize the elite, special operations, direct action units of the United States Military. Delta Force (CAG), SEAL Team 6 (DEVGRU), the 75th Ranger Regiment, SEALS, and some elements Special Forces groups (Green Berets) are all considered "Pipe Hitters"... Marine Force Recon kind of, sort of falls into this category also. All of these units are highly respectable, well trained, top of their branch, operators. 1) When everyone on the objective must die and no structures need be left standing, call in the "Pipe Hitters". 2) There is a definitive difference between the standard Soldier/Marine/Sailor and those who are referred to as the "Pipe Hitters" of the military. 1 like
  -  theodorewise @shane_unchained lol nah. it's crackheads, and that was made up afterwards when mongos like the bootlickers at Spike's Tactical thought the word for crackhead sounded cool
  -  theodorewise @nickfiderius i'm just trying to help uncle mark with slang, but i hope he sees this, bro
  -  nickfiderius @theodorewise me too "bro". I just live for people seeing Instagram comments. Merry Christmas to you, all the pipehitters and crackheads too! Until next time, God bless.
amills3428 wonder if any of your rifles have been used to silence Hillary's enemies 2 likes
  -  laruetactical @amills3428 ... Typo ? 7 likes
wfodave Back to the salt mines...
mini_big_one @laruetactical do you have to use their ammo? What is considered acceptable? Like a moa requirement or actual group size? 2 likes
topshotdustin Verified 😍
akscott60 I love my OBR. It's a hammer.
storman_67 Ship em to me, I'll get er done👍
bigbrassenergy Worst day ever lmao
davidsomewhere Nice
phil.thompson.140 Ship em Dano!
savageguns089 stop. I can only get so erect.