... 1st of the 30 OBR 16"
7.62 rifles. First round is by itself, other four (4) went together. ML
673 likesjosh.macintyre Freaking laser! 🔥
huntinjosh I love mine!
d.w.jones Nice! 100 yds? 1 like
  -  laruetactical @d.w.jones ... Yeppers, 100 yards and me doin' the shootin' ... off that benchrest - ML 7 likes
treylillich 👏 1 like
thirtythree_three I speak for everyone who knows what they're talking about when I say "Thank you for using 5-rd groups." 11 likes
  -  laruetactical @thirtythree_three ... I speak for every one that shoots 3-shot groups and 5-shot groups all day long when I say you're in grave danger if I'm happy with the way one of my rifles shoots 3-shot groups ;-) ML 5 likes
  -  nelson_shooting_concepts @laruetactical I don't think it's matter 3 vs 5 and it's more on the shooter than the rifle! Plus that is 2 less match rounds per rifle you have to spend!
  -  esqphoto @laruetactical - Someone once told me 3 shots to test the rifle, and 5 shots to test the shooter. Not sure if he was right, but one says tomato and the other says, well, tomato. 🤡
  -  thirtythree_three @nelson_shooting_concepts No, it's about probabilities and statistics. I've had this conversation so many times.... 3 rounds tells you something, but it doesn't tell you much. Typically, people who advocate 3 round groups are cheap and don't REALLY care about the accuracy of a rifle (I.e hunters that are shooting within 300 or so yards). 1 like
  -  thirtythree_three @esqphoto Nah. A good shooter would be required, true, but 3 rounds is not going to paint an adequate picture of the rifle's capabilities, or the lack thereof. 1 like
  -  laruetactical @thirtythree_three ... You're right about probabilities, and Bryan Litz put a multiplier chart in his 2016 edition of his Blue Book of Accuracy. I defer to Bryan on all things bullet math. ML 2 likes
  -  esqphoto @thirtythree_three - I hear you. Best I've been able to do with my 16 inch PredatAR at distance is a 10 shot 9.02 inch group at 600 yards, which is like 1.43 MOA. Shot it prone with 77 grain Sig .223 ammo. Not awesome at all but pretty good for a newer shooter (2.5 years) like me.
  -  esqphoto @esqphoto - and my best 5 shot group at 600 yards was 7.6 inches which is like 1.21 MOA.
  -  thirtythree_three @esqphoto A 1.43 ten-shot group at 600 is very good! Especially with .223 ammo that will get tossed around a lot more by wind! Check out the Litz book Mark referenced above and you can calculate what that group "ought" to be if it were 5 rounds. 2 likes
  -  dirtyk208 @laruetactical for sure Bryan Litz and Todd Hodnett are the truth 👍🏻u s 1 like
  -  laruetactical @esqphoto ... a tAR has a pencil barrel ;-) 4 likes
  -  esqphoto @laruetactical - good thing it was my first AR and I don't know any better!! 🤡
  -  esqphoto @thirtythree_three - Thanks! Appreciate that. I'm always happy to be at or near MOA at any distance.
  -  jakeww85 @laruetactical haha "bullet math" is a fantastic term.
topshotdustin Verified Sweet.
ivanbland @laruetactical federal gold medal match 168gr?
  -  laruetactical @ivanbland ... 175 2 likes
bulletdurbin Do you load the rifles were the magazine empties on the 5th round or do you load more behind the 5th round? When shooting for groups.
  -  laruetactical @bulletdurbin ... I'm always short on time and never pay attention to that - ML 2 likes
  -  thirtythree_three @bulletdurbin I'm just an anonymous IG user, but I tested this theory (with a PredatOBR in .260) and having the "extra round" did not yield any measurable change vs running the mag empty. It was an interesting theory that I thought was worth testing! 1 like
gusgonzalez @tejasprecisionshooter
billythatsme Nice 1 like
roaming_91 What rounds are you running through these? 1 like
icecoldmn I love my obr it also is a tack driver. Keep up the good work
  -  laruetactical @icecoldmn ... Happy New Year icecoldmn - ML
itswemdog Love my OBR. My buddy now favors it over his SCAR 😂😂🙌🙌💯💯💯💯