... Friend at FLIR sent me this pic of his hunting buddy's 450 yard muzzleloader Iowa buck 💪 ML
259 likeszedusharpshooter Great shot! I'd be interested in the the particulars such as muzzle-loader used, powder, projectile and optics.
  -  laruetactical @zedusharpshooter ... Arrowhead Obsidian Muzzleloader (heavy)
  -  kevin.mcglothlin.078 @laruetactical any thought on doing a muzzeloader barrel for the Siete ?
shredla Sent a DM if you have a moment
thechrisharmon 450 muzzleloader wow, that's impressive. Congrats to that man.
kertmckeone 8 ft holdover?
  -  laruetactical @kertmckeone ... Sone kind of new whiz bang muzzleloader running smokeless powder 🤷 1 like
  -  lmikem99 @kertmckeone the newest ones load up to 200gr of powder. Hot 45/70 velocity.
kodiak_precision Sweet Buck and nice shot!
destrographic 😍😍😍😍😍
lkcrome Wow, impressed 👍