... Hmmm, I had not heard about the "Era of Rotten Bullets" 🧐 Nice article 🎯 ML
642 likeskodiak_precision No doubt it's a great cartridge. The last 1.5 years it is extremely hard to get... like allot of Ammo. 5 likes
  -  laruetactical @kodiak_precision ... That's like all those other early cartridges, like 250-3000, every last box in every old hardware store got snapped up. 4 likes
  -  kodiak_precision @laruetactical any old cowboy caliber has vanished from inventory everywhere .
guay.ron I still have my Remington from 1974! It's my go to for everything! 2 likes
  -  laruetactical @guay.ron ... In the mid-70s, when I was a kid, I worked at a Tennessee gun store that got Remington direct. I saw lots of Remington Custom Shop rifles made when Mr. Tim McCormick was it's overseer. Heady days indeed. 10 likes
  -  spentbrasscasing @laruetactical When I worked at a gun store in the Midwest, I sold more '06s than any other rifle 3 likes
  -  hobbit0717 @guay.ron I shot my first deer with a M1 Garand. Remington 700 was my first bolt action deer rifle. I don't ever see the sun setting on the 30/06. 1 like
  -  brad_jackie55555 @laruetactical - Is eastern Tennessee a nice play to settle down to? I ain't never been there.
  -  lastmanstanding415 @brad_jackie55555 yes. My brother lives near Knoxville and it's very pleasant. I plan on running away from the libtards in California and setting up shop that way
  -  brad_jackie55555 @lastmanstanding415 - Yeah me too. I've got my eye on northeastern Tennessee. I just pray all the people moving there don't vote for the same lunatic politicians that ruined the states that drove them out (they probably will if Arizona & Texas are any indication).
michigan_great_outdoors Hmmmm 30_06 upper in the works???? Dude 😬 the mother of all deer hunting rifles!!! Let me order first 😂😂 10 likes
darth_vandal 30-06 is an amazing caliber. Absolutely love it. 🔥🔥🔥
claytonjilliums They had it right with the Browning water cooled machine gun. 1 like
walkercustoms1911 But but but 6.5....... 1 like
perez2021juan Does it get any more *AMERICAN* than the ol 30-60?? u s 'Merica u s 1 like
zebulonmccloud Cartridge trends come and go. Short. Long. Magnums. High bc. Heavy. Light. But as far as hunting animals in North America goes I can't think of one "better" than a 30-06. 6 likes
  -  jacobmx5 @zebulonmccloud I mean...I can think of a lot better, but it is a solid choice for NA game.
  -  zebulonmccloud @jacobmx5 what kills whitetail better?
  -  laruetactical @zebulonmccloud ... It's been my experience that nothing walks off a heart shot 🤷 16 likes
  -  zebulonmccloud @laruetactical nope. Most animals don't have a preference in what caliber they are killed with. 5 likes
  -  cow2u @zebulonmccloud I love my 30-60 @mauser_usa M-18. Down here in Texas a .223 all day. I let my little nephew use my .30-06 so he wouldn't miss his first deer.🤷 2 likes
  -  jacobmx5 @zebulonmccloud literally any bullet traveling faster and with a heavier payload. What kind of question is that? I've killed the majority of my deer with 12 ga slugs. I've also used .30-06, .30-30, I use .45-70 A LOT, and 6.5cm. They all work, but a 300 Win Mag is better than the .30-06 in every way for example. It's a perfectly adequate round, but not the best.
  -  zebulonmccloud @jacobmx5 Ok. So heavier and faster is more and better. Gotcha
  -  jacobmx5 @zebulonmccloud that's usually how ballistics work, yes.
  -  zebulonmccloud @jacobmx5 ah yes ballistics. Lol. Ballistics never killed an animal that I can remember. But ballistics are very important in cartridge debates. 1 like
  -  laruetactical @jacobmx5 ... "The 7x57mm can offer very good penetrating ability due to a fast twist rate that enables it to fire long, heavy bullets with a high sectional density. This made it popular in Africa, where it was used on animals up to and including elephants, for which it was particularly favoured by noted ivory hunter W.D.M. "Karamojo" Bell, who shot about 800 African elephants with 1893 pattern 7x57mm military ball ammunition using Rigby Mauser 98 rifles, when most ivory hunters were using larger-caliber rifles." 3 likes
  -  jacobmx5 @zebulonmccloud You asked what is better at killing. Larger. Faster. Heavier. That's what's better at killing. Necessary? Not always. But a 300WM is better at killing than a .30-06 at longer rangers. A .338 LM is better than that. A 40mm round is even better. A 16" naval artillery shell beats all of them. I'm not some large caliber snob, though .45-70 is my favorite round of all time. I shoot a lot of 6.5cm because it's fun for my whole family to shoot. If you're just worried about shot placement, who not shoot that? Less recoil and less anticipation so potentially far more accurate for the average shooter than .30-06. Let's go even smaller....243? Or .223? Why shoot anything larger or more powerful? Those can all kill whitetails. 1 like
  -  perez2021juan @laruetactical 800 elephants? Dang, that ol boy did some hunting
  -  zebulonmccloud @jacobmx5 you are struggling. I said "what kills whitetail better?". You keep repeating some things that you think make sense. I'm not a cartridge queer and I don't get off on ballistics. I don't care what you like or why. But if you think an extra 200-300 FPS on a 30 cal bullet makes a hill of cat poo difference on a whitetail you need to get out more.
  -  ryanchilders259 @laruetactical my dad hunted with a re stocked 8mm Mauser, he had to retire it after it couldn't keep under a 3" shot group at 100yrds. Lots of deer killed with it, I've hunted with a 30-30 growing up but prefer my 30-06 just because of versatility. 1 like
  -  jacobmx5 @zebulonmccloud So, what you're saying is that there are far better rounds out there than .30-06, but it gives you a weird fudd boner, so you're just going to roll with it and pretend nothing else exists. Cool.
  -  zebulonmccloud @jacobmx5 cool story caydyn. With shrinking testosterone of the millennial generation you would be quite jealous of a fudd boner.
soaw76 Good for Nazis and Deer. 5 likes