224 Valkyrie - 20" LaRue 1-in-7" twist Federal Ammo ... 90 gr Gold Medal Match avg 2687 fps ... and 60 gr Nosler B-Tips avg 3238 fps. ML #larue #laruetactical #gunsofinstagram #behindthescenes
263 likesdreauxmire Plans on a 24"? 1 like
kameronallison Are you getting better groups with federal 90g smk or 75g fmj ?
  -  laruetactical @kameronallison Those 60 grainers stacked 'em ... extremely accurate. ML 5 likes
  -  ampitts42 @laruetactical I concur, I get half moa with those 60s...and they are smokin 1 like
  -  kameronallison @laruetactical a little bird told me federal is about to release an 80.5gr berger gold medal match round that maintains the same 1300 supersonic yard rating. 1 like
shadow2__ That SD on 90gr is so so, but 60gr looks very good!
jdud88 @el.rojo.45 that 60gr. Rocket. 1 like
  -  el.rojo.45 @jdud88 I might just need one of these barrels....
xavier_martin10 So where is that knife from?! I was handed down one and I know nothing about it
  -  laruetactical @xavier_martin10 That's a Puko (?) Sheath Knife made in Finland ... ML
shark13371773 that velocity is incredible