... Boomer alert - Mark Fingar sent me a bunch of awesome pics late last night with how-to instructions to get Instagram to stitch them together. He doesn't know I needed a therapist to console me after buying my new GMC Canyon only to find out it didn't have a CD player built into the console. Anyhow, it'll look like this in Imax when I figure it out. ML
1,194 likesjroymurray I'll take it 1 like
  -  laruetactical @jroymurray ... Crap, I let my drunken IT guys download the latest IG version into my phone. It scatters replies to hell and back, making it far tougher to keep up with replies at a glance :-(
  -  jroymurray @laruetactical it's okay.. you can give me a job in exchange
james_h74 Any estimate when LT101 risers will be back in stock. I'm on the back order and ready to do some passive night vision shooting
dhodgee @laruetactical come back to the GD Mark. Make it great again. 1 like
  -  laruetactical @dhodgee ... GD got overrun with "cancel culturists" ... and like my dad said, "that sumbitch don't know how to act" ML 10 likes
  -  dhodgee @laruetactical 😂u s Need more "what dad said" posts. 1 like
  -  thedogeoftheyear @dhodgee I'm guessing you're referring to general discussion on ARFCOM?
  -  laruetactical @thedogeoftheyear ... Yeppers, I got the ban hammer for hurting the feels of a handful of rabid Cancel Culturists - ML 1 like
j.w.pendleton No cd player? WTF?
mikecampbell734 When will your website be updated for the Siete? 1 like
joewbyrd The only thing I see wrong with it is that I'm not hunting with it this weekend, but I will be carrying a LaRue 6.5 Grendel so it ain't that bad.
bradleyaten 😱 1 like
johncameron165 Where's the wood? 😂
  -  laruetactical @johncameron165 ... We opted for bauxite we found under the walnut tree - ML 1 like
macdoanlds1985 Left handed action ?
  -  laruetactical @macdoanlds1985 ... We'd have make a bunch of the parts bassackwards - ML 1 like
akscott60 Oh. Hai there. I need dis in my life.
djkurtze Looks amazing... 😍 Any of those haters who have said they don't like the look clearly don't have style and clearly don't understand the full functionality this rifle is offering.... not to mention tack driving LaRue accuracy...
bowhuntr09 Didn't have you pegged for a government motors supporter 🤮🤢🤮
  -  laruetactical @bowhuntr09 ... And I didn't have you pegged as a Cancel Culturist - ML 2 likes
  -  bowhuntr09 @laruetactical yep, I have a long list. You wear Levi's too? Serious question with them being rabidly anti-gun.
  -  laruetactical @bowhuntr09 ... I can't keep up with the dynamic list some of you say I should hate. It would eat my days away trying to not buy gas from this outfit, not buy popcorn from another, drink only water from a certain creek, etc. I support Nolo, and Nolo's comin' and bringin' hell with him. ML 5 likes
  -  bowhuntr09 @laruetactical Nolo is a great option. He needs to come fight the good fight in VA.
  -  laruetactical @bowhuntr09 ... As if that's not already in the works. My goodness, you're chocked full of original suggestions - ML 3 likes
camswart Love it! Do you have a release date in mind?
3ric585 A Beaut!
tacticalrainmaker When are you gonna just take my money?
matt131415 @ricochettactical
phil.thompson.140 I'm all in for this sweet baby!
pwhitey10 I used some of my deployment money to buy my larue predatAR 556. Now I need yo save my nickels and dimes for one of these bad boys!
mrdrewchandler Mark you could use this photo to add Siete to the website while I run and grab a form of payment. Visa, MasterCard, and Kentucky Bourbon Balls? 4 likes
  -  laruetactical @mrdrewchandler ... Perfect ;-) ML 1 like
cts304 Precision and beauty
859savage 700 pattern action? Anything that would preclude it from fitting into another chassis system like the Pork Sword or elfowl?
  -  laruetactical @859savage ... No sir, it will fit fine in stuff that fits 700s. ML 3 likes
joe.numbers Gorgeous
800mzero looks interesting.
weapon_eyezd Some sort of cheek riser in the works? 2 likes
  -  eocsis_86 Cheek weld be damned?
  -  laruetactical @eocsis_86 ... Ask me how I know you don't follow my IG feed very closely - ML 8 likes
  -  weapon_eyezd @laruetactical no truer words have been spoken 1 like
  -  weapon_eyezd @laruetactical but thanks for the answer
  -  laruetactical @luxury_chances ... The answer was to eocsis, not you. ML 2 likes
  -  weapon_eyezd @laruetactical even better? 1 like
  -  weapon_eyezd @laruetactical I do own 5 of your rifles and order from you quite often, I don't follow social media closely honestly but I found my answer scrolling back, enjoy your day
  -  laruetactical @luxury_chances ... Appreciate your business and Sietes are easier to make than gas guns, and the price will reflect that fact. Hope you get one and drill a 750 yard groundhog with it. ML 5 likes
  -  weapon_eyezd @laruetactical that's great news actually, I need to follow closer it seems
  -  eocsis_86 @laruetactical I saw your post a couple days ago about swinging cats & a riser that looked like an afterthought? Nothing that made me think that you were pursuing a substantial cheek piece...not picking a fight, just curious about the theory of this design.
jdg0707 That it is really an awesome looking rifle. Great job!!!
fitty_actual @laruetactical why did you choose to lower the stock from the bore axis?
  -  laruetactical @fitty_actual ... I made what I wanted to make and sell. With it, I also shot five 5-shot groups in a row that averaged 0.749 moa. If you can make a better mousetrap, you better get started. ML 1 like
  -  fitty_actual @laruetactical bud, I was only asking a question because I know you make quality stuff. I only wanted to see if there was a specific reason you did it. I wasn't trying to be a smartass or attack your product in any way. Glad you made what you wanted though! 1 like
  -  laruetactical @fitty_actual ... Meh, sorry to be kurt, 3rd cup of back-to-back black coffee ... acts like a damn truth serum some days ;-) ML 2 likes
mikey_golds Would you at any point consider selling just the action?
  -  laruetactical @mikey_golds ... Yes, but in the meantime, you can always throw the Siete chassis in the closet. ML 3 likes