This caught my eye today...it's a red dot sight for a grenade launcher that we made years ago. Works like a charm, too. Elevation clicks go 50, 100, 150, 200, and 250 yards. I should clock it to the 10-22 arrow gun. 😉 ML #larue #laruetactical #precisionrifles #deadcenterofprecision #behindthescenes #howitsmade
506 likesthiswildadventure What in tarnation!
strongwallarmory Cool piece of kit!
jay3076 That would be cool with one of those silly soda can launching uppers 3 likes
  -  topshotdustin Verified @jay3076 exactly! 2 likes
freakinout So where is the grenade launcher? 2 likes
tonyleal84 @freakinout 👆🏽Undercover ATF agent 😆 4 likes
  -  freakinout @tonyleal84 just a $200 stamp.... 2 likes
  -  laruetactical @freakinout It was one of them 6-shooters loaned to us to perfect the sight, then they remembered where they sent it and took it back ... pesky well organized organizations. ML 9 likes
  -  freakinout @laruetactical dang 1 like
  -  tonyleal84 Haha! 1 like
  -  sardude1911 @freakinout you do NOT need a grenade launcher!! 😶 2 likes
  -  freakinout @sardude1911 what if I let you use it?
  -  sardude1911 @freakinout okay... you need a grenade launcher 1 like
spiche1 Do you sell them? Would look good on my LMT M203
4rbrandt I remover when y'all dropped the arrow gun ad w the Mark 8 on it. 🔥
davidewade Use with Can Cannon! 2 likes
akscott60 That thing works awesome.
rescue_17 How about one of those soda can launchers?
yuddalevy @laruetactical just recently found my old LW micro red dot...on black Friday I purchased your mount for it. Couldnt help but think while ordering...how many were sold that weekend? Probably just 1... thank you for offering it.
catsncartridges Don't believe you without an in person demonstration. PM me for address to send plane tickets to.