Here's another pic ... I gotta learn how to string pics together. ML #larue #laruetactical #precisionrifles #deadcenterofprecision #behindthescenes #howitsmade
480 likes12774738errr I've dreamt of this day. 3 likes
thiswildadventure #StopICanOnlyGetSoErect 1 like
jack_haber You never rest on your laurels Mark 👍🏻
multicam_quilts Good lawd. 🤗😎
bangsquadactual @dionderoia well now... 2 likes
r_yanjames Change the holes at the 1 and 11 o'clock to mlok slots. Gives you a bit more flexibility in pressure switch and light placement imo. 9 likes
freakinout I like it
goobax Wish this would have been a predatAR rail with the old stealth locking nut. 1 like
  -  laruetactical @goobax "Wish this would be the old Stealth locking nut." It is - ML
  -  goobax @laruetactical I think you misunderstood. I was saying use the predatAR rail instead of the modified steal rail
  -  laruetactical @goobax I retread your comment. Okay, I did misunderstand. You want to be able to put most of the PredatARs features onto a Stealth locking nut. Yes/No ? 3 likes
  -  goobax @laruetactical yes
storman_67 Very nice!
whiskey__actual Please dont stop producing the original LT rails before I'm able to buy one. 2 likes
  -  gunsandsharpthings @whiskey_axtual you've had 15 years to buy one my man. They pop up used all the time. 1 like
  -  whiskey__actual @gunsandsharpthings Some of us have had govt issued weapons for some time and have had no need, interest, or time to buy and play around with civilian ARs guy 👍
  -  gunsandsharpthings @whiskey_axtual 🤷 Who cares?
  -  short_barrel @whiskey_axtual "Thank me for my service." Is what you sound like. 2 likes
  -  laruetactical @whiskey_axtual Then why do you care what's going on in an AR related forum ? ML
  -  whiskey__actual @laruetactical because Mr. LaRue, as I implied in my reply, I haven't had 15yrs to build a stealth, purchase a LT or build any rifle, but now I have the means. I don't want a used LT, I want a brand spanking new one with LaRue stickers included. So please don't stop production 👌
d_vazquez56 Why not just cut all the pic rail off the 3-6-9 and go just MLOK? 2 likes
  -  laruetactical @dvazquez2 Because my observation is everyone screws a piece of picatinny at 2 of those 3 locations, then they fight over which one Crane decided would be likelier to stay on. ML 14 likes
seany_utah Looks great! 🥂
mr_fullmetal Looks great but this should have been available a couple years ago.
  -  laruetactical @mr_fullmetal Yeah, well, only so many hours in the day. 3 likes
mikenotgonnagetit If you guys ever do a 15in rail in mlok I'm in! I've got a couple late quad rails and love em. I'd kill for a larue mlok setup
45_shooter I would vote to cut the entire picatinny rail off the 3-6-9 and go just MLOK, and if someone wants a picatinny they can add it, but for those that do not they cannot take it off. Also change the holes at 1-11-5-7 o'clock to MLOC, and then you would have the ultimate rail.
  -  laruetactical @45_shooter Stay tuned - ML 1 like
gunsandsharpthings @laruetactical I personally would prefer round holes to the hexagons, but that's just me. I think aesthetically it looks better. Great looking handguard though.
  -  laruetactical @gunsandsharpthings Noted
  -  gunsandsharpthings @laruetactical I can tell you one thing, I know for a fact your new handguard will be dethroned better than the Geissele MK14 I have, and that's having owned many LT-15'a over the years. They never were alike holding onto razor blades. 1 like
  -  laruetactical @gunsandsharpthings Please restate your "dethroned" "razor blades" post. ML
  -  gunsandsharpthings @laruetactical 🙌🏻
  -  gunsandsharpthings @laruetactical I did mean to say de-horned....however they may be dethroned as well.
randomgyro Will you be adding this rail to availability, or totally replacing the Stealth rail with this one?
randomgyro @iamdangermoose
brotomas Awesome, don't change a thing 👌