... Rats, I ran, but they had already started loading onto the UPS truck. If my beer math is right, including today's, we've shipped over 1,300 MGUs. I'm distressed at how many have gone out, but I'm seeing very little sign of them being scoped and shot 🤷 ML
845 likescaspershafer any idea when quad rails will come off of back order?
  -  laruetactical @caspershafer ... I just loaded some for tomorrow's anodizing run. 1 like
  -  caspershafer @laruetactical thank you a ton for replying! look forward to my new product
  -  natriumoxide @laruetactical Just wondering since you haven't answered my previous question a few days ago. What's the cost of MRAD?? I'm still saving (setting aside a few bucks from my check) some money to get one!
  -  laruetactical @natriumoxide ... Are you talking about the Barrett ? 2 likes
  -  natriumoxide @laruetactical I know Barrett MRAD but I'm sure I saw one of the pictures a few days ago in your IG that mention the MRAD! I'm not sure whether it was a Barrett or you have your own version of MRAD!
shoot3six5 If IG would let me add a photo to a comment, I'd show you mine haha. It's been a great little prairie gun out here in Northern CO! 1 like
jasonpegg Why do I have no idea what an MGU is? 2 likes
  -  windsoc_1911 @jasonpegg Match Grade Upper 3 likes
  -  jasonpegg @windsoc_1911 thank you. I think that's what I got. Ha 1 like
  -  charliesclones @jasonpegg I was there with you but did not want to ask. 😂 3 likes
  -  jasonpegg @charliesclones if it's the 700 dollar one he has been selling I have it. Haven't had a chance to shoot it yet
  -  tom_rakip @jasonpegg that's the one, the 4th of July special. It rocks. 1 like
jasonpegg FUCK YES! Thanks man 1 like
tacticaljunkie01 Just got my shipping notification!!! Can't wait.
  -  aspiringpatriot @tacticaljunkie01 how long did it take?
  -  tacticaljunkie01 @aspiringpatriot 308UU Kit with suppressor. Approx 6.5 months
  -  aspiringpatriot @tacticaljunkie01 ok thanks for the info
james_siler I have yet to shoot my MGU. But I was stoked to get it. As always LaRue quality is 2nd to none. 👍👍c l u s 1 like
jonnycashland I have scoped and shot mine. Will tag you in some photos next range trip. 1 like
doug.deweese I've been shooting mine but unfortunately it has had a barrel swap temporarily to a 6ARC. 1 like
el_jefe_556 I have shot the snot out of mine ML. I've had it just over a month and am proud to see some wear on the anodized finish and some groups on paper 1 like
csaxman86 Got my shipping confirmation today, can't wait ! 1 like
  -  loswindtalker @csaxman86 nice. When did you order yours? I'm trying to ball park when I can expect a shipping confirmation. 1 like
  -  csaxman86 @loswindtalker about 5 weeks ago 1 like
  -  laruetactical @loswindtalker ... You got a scope and match grade ammo ready and waiting ?
  -  loswindtalker @laruetactical ready to throw my Leupold VX freedom on there with the small amount of match grade that I have.
  -  stevensarmiento6 @csaxman86 congratulations! patiently waiting for mine.
fibesboy Take mine out every week to the range. Most accurate AR that I own hands down.
tacticalslings Make some in .308 and will show off groups as soon as I get it
nocornerman I'll be posting mine once it arrives 🙌
77nodnarb Oh man…..was really hoping my UU was on that pallet 😔
jason_r_ I had just ordered a 308 upper right before you close down the ordering. I'll post pictures when it gets delivered in a few months
el.gallo.negro1 As soon as I get my Stealth Stripped Upper I'll gladly send you some pics. Any idea when they'll go back into production?
handloadsandholdovers I've got a Leupold Mk5 and tons of match ammo ready to go....guess I'm missing the other half of this equation 🤪
vin.cert M308 soon??. Whats production on thoughs look like ?
osteoid I've shot mine with an aimpoint red dot and a simple bushnell 1-4x. It's already more accurate than I am so that's something to be happy with.
oscar_gt350 Any word on stealth 12" uppers?
civilianresponder I've been shooting mine. My groups so far are about 1.5" at 100y using hornady 75gr but that's on me, I'm not as good of a shooter as you. It's a fine upper and I couldn't be happier.
blakeshooter When you ship mine, I assure you there is a scope/ ammo ready to go!
usingmyrights I got one of your Accuracy specials. I had some unexpected expenses pop up so haven't bought a scope for it yet. Hopefully soon.
cvmn66 Any plans on making any in 6.5 Grendel ?
peterdick455 Waiting for some ammo worthy of it
infinitejoker "Order Status Update from LaRue Tactical" Looks like mine might be on that truck! 😁
jmort3737 Mine runs great shot it out to 550yd so far
sasquatch264 I'm going to test mine this weekend with some 69, 73, 75, and 77gr pills. Will post pics and a review.
tom_rakip @laruetactical I'm not good at posting these picture things here and tagging people. Either way, i had great results with the Leupold and VCOG! 3 likes
  -  laruetactical @tom_rakip ,,, You are as good as it gets. Click on the "+" sign and it'll grab the last pic in your phone. say okay, okay, then add your words and hit "share" 3 likes
  -  tom_rakip @laruetactical aww shucks I wouldn't go that far. I'll add one and see if I can tag you. Had better results with the MK4 of course but still sub MOA with the VCOG. There's definitely something in the water near you guys for what you delivered sub-$700
squattyneanderthal @laruetactical I shot my MGU today and it shot beautifully! It's certainly more accurate than I am as a shooter. It made it easy to shoot sub MOA groups. 1 like
  -  laruetactical @squattyneanderthal ... You meant to say "sub 3/4 minute groups" 2 likes
  -  squattyneanderthal @laruetactical That is correct it is absolutely sub 3/4 minute groups. It is likely capable of better than that as I am not the best shooter in the world.
alamo_brass @laruetactical got the shipping notification today for my 20'' 7.62 upper. Today is a good day. tomorrow will be better when it gets here 🧡