... Theater guests, please put your phones on silent and enjoy the movie 😎 ML
582 likesjealouscowbell I saw an Extremely Right Wing bumper sticker during my travels yesterday in Tampa 1 like
  -  laruetactical @jealouscowbell ... Florida Man
d_m_g_3 I just want a s.stage from y'all 😢 already have a bunch of the mbt2s 3 likes
  -  _1up_top_ @d_m_g_3 a single stage would be badass 1 like
c0r3yr0s3100 Straight bows will go into everything I build. The only decision I have to make is which spring to use
41gunner Bought my first one recently, wow, great trigger at a great price, look forward to buying more than as it will be my go to trigget set from now on. 1 like
kodiak_precision Dozens of excellence!!
texasgunnews The M is for massive balls. To navigate and survive the firearms industry as Mark has, takes one big damned pair of em. Keep trucking, I hope LaRue is around for my grandchildren to spend money on. 1 like
cafe_motos My Larue trigger has dropped a critter or two 😎🤙
raukus01 I wish i could try one but you wont ship to Illinois 1 like
  -  the_philomath28 @raukus01 leave Illinois, it's what all the cool kids are doin.
bigmikeky_ 😂😂😂😂 well played sir
shamamilton Only the best. 1 like
duke_kaleb Can't beat 'em, Geissele quality for PSA prices. Take your crown mark 👑 1 like
cooperative.aggression The M is for "M0th3rfuck1ng" Best Trigger.
james_siler 👍👍