We are in total Siete immersion. You TranQuilo owners are going to get a one question, multiple choice survey - ML
581 likeskmfjllc 👊🏻
def3va 24" FTW 1 like
mrdrewchandler What about those of us whose spouses won't let us collect stamps? I *need* a bolt action in my life @laruetactical please. 2 likes
  -  laruetactical @mrdrewchandler ... The TranQuilo is quietly reasonable ... and there's still time to get on the T Owner's list - ML 3 likes
  -  mrdrewchandler @laruetactical I get it but she doesn't. I'll just have to live vicariously though @def3va until adopted by a rich uncle. 1 like
  -  eadie.steve @laruetactical I will be ordering a TranQuilo tomorrow to get on that list!
  -  wa_atf @mrdrewchandler if she wont let you collect stamps, how do you have a short barreled shotgun (in your IG photos)?
  -  mrdrewchandler @wa_atf No SBS. The end of the barrel is wrapped with a towel for transit. 1 like
kevinmichael_67 Calibers? 1 like
  -  thirtythree_three @gt500kevin .338 Edge Only.
kurt_stl67 👍🏻
chad_lamborghini 😃 I could use a .308 Seite for my Tranquilo!!!
dune_shoot Would like to see a video of the bolt cycling ;) 2 likes
maples14 Im ready for a buildar email with the likes of these in the title line
aimless223 They're beautiful.
colbyb83 How about survey a for a rifle owner
gearheadworks Looks great! Can't wait to see the finished productu s 2 likes
shqype_ Hey Mark: I'm in a ban state that bans suppressors, but I still want a Siete. If I could own suppressors, I would. Any options for us?
jointdocshields Standing by...
captnjack Pistol folding stock .300 blackout please 👌🏽👌🏽
topshotdustin Verified Yay!!!!!!!!! 1 like
mark_133_navy Ok, there's always one in the bunch; is a South Paw in the works? My south paw eye 👁 says so🙏🧡⚓
akethan762 My first 6.5C ?
man_in_mas_grey @laruetactical been trying to fint solid answers but coming up moot so far. Will a LT 787 or LT788 clear the top of the split rings on an LT104 when oriented at the 12 o'clock?
parallax_error1 Do y'all do visitors at the factory? Gonna be in Waco & Austin in Nov. Would love to see the birthplace of my PredatAR.
  -  whatarewedo1ng @parallax_error1 nope
patrick.a.johnson314 Credit Card is ready!!!! Although, still waiting for my TranQuilo to get out of jail
jeromy001 Still in the waiting phase. Guess I don't make the list yet.
klkdave I was the first TranQuilo in 'retail' hands (picked it up in Leander) and I'd love to repeat that trick with a Siete!
esqphoto @laruetactical - This TQ owner is just checking to make sure you have my email. 🤡
j_frank24_ Yes, I want one!
ccarnel Hot dang!!! Got multiple tranquillos, my body is ready 1 like
thiswildadventure Halle. Fucking. Lujah. 2 likes
kernsy71 Been waiting for this!
realmda13 I've got gift cards locked and loaded. Ready. Set. 🔥
whatarewedo1ng Checking my email 😱
  -  laruetactical @_cars_be_broke_ ... sometime next week, gotta roust our those drunken IT guys - ML 6 likes
  -  whatarewedo1ng @laruetactical they have time to sober up then 😆
jtwendel02 Will you guys be making your own trigger? 2 likes
  -  zengland @jtwendel02 I'd imagine being they make the most bad ass AR trigger, I'd bet Mark will produce an equally as bad ass bolt gun trigger. 1 like
kevinmichael_67 Funny I was just going to grab my LaRue gift cards to order an UU kit. Maybe I should wait??? 2 likes
cmykshooter Would love a pistol Siete in 300BO to add to the LaRue collection. 👌🏻 1 like
jivesturkey Still haven't bought a TranQuilo but I've been hoarding BuildAR gift cards just for these to release 1 like